Antibiotic reductionColostrumPigletSowWeaning

Rearing pigs without antibiotics

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Conference Report

Holistic management is essential for successfully rearing pigs, particularly in systems that aim to minimize antibiotics. The method emphasizes the interconnectedness of various factors contributing to sustainable pig health and productivity. Some of the key components of this holistic management were discussed by Dr. Seksom.

Sow lifetime productivity

Suggested targets for sow lifetime productivity are

  • >70 marketed fattening pigs
  • At least 6 parities with at least 10.5 pigs marketed per parity
  • 25 fattening pigs/sow/year (2.4 parities/year x 10.5 fattening pigs)

To achieve these targets, we need 29.2 born alive piglets/sow/year (or 12.2 born alive piglets/parity), and it is essential to control losses during each production period: <10% pre-weaning, <3% during nursery, and <2% in fattening.

Since the occurrence of African swine fever (ASF), with improved genetics, we can now produce pigs with 120 kg+ bodyweight at slaughter without carcass problems and reach about 3 tons of bodyweight/sow/year, compared to around 2 tons before.

Modern pig genetics and subsequent problems

Despite the advancements in modern pig genetics leading to improved production and bigger litters, several ensuing problems have emerged:

  • Less average body weight of piglets at birth
  • Large number of piglets born with less than 1.0 kg (target <5%)
  • High pre-weaning mortality
  • High post-weaning mortality and morbidity

Dr. Seksom highlighted that birthweights decrease with increasing sow prolificacy. He stated that “piglets should be divided into groups with similar body weights at weaning” and that “a key objective for successful weaning is a piglet that weighs a minimum of 6-6.5 kg at three weeks of age, and that less than 25% of the piglets have a weight of ≤5.9 kg.”

Sow body condition

Sows should be fed to feed to body condition score (BCS), not a fixed amount of feed. Ideally, the sows have a BCS of 2.75 (the sow’s backbone is visible, and the tips of the short ribs can be felt but are smooth) or 3.0 (well-rounded appearance, hips, and spine can only be felt with firm pressure) at 12 weeks of pregnancy, so we can feed more in the last month to achieve a BCS of 3-3.25 at farrowing. This is essential to ensure that sows have sufficient energy reserves for lactation and overall health.

Target body condition score – 2.75 at three months of gestation



Feed intake must be increased gradually during the last month of gestation as most fetal growth and mammary gland development occur during this period. This may involve raising energy-dense feeds or adjusting protein levels as needed.

Dr. Seksom stressed that “nutrition is not just the feed; it’s about feeding as well. To feed sows to BCS, assessments of BCS should be done regularly throughout gestation, ideally every 2-4 weeks. This allows for timely adjustments in feeding based on individual sow’s needs. Ensure that staff are trained one-on-one to accurately assess the body condition of sows. This includes recognizing the visual and tactile indicators of different scores and understanding how BCS impacts reproductive performance, longevity, and overall farm profitability.”

After farrowing, the sows must be monitored closely for any signs of excessive weight loss and feeding strategies adjusted accordingly to support recovery and lactation needs.

Piglet diarrhea

Many factors cause diarrhea and must be thoroughly investigated. For bacteria-caused diarrhea, Dr. Seksom advised a good hygiene program, whereas for viral causes, a vaccination program is essential. However, he emphasized that “for a vaccination program, you can’t just copy from another farm; it needs to be created specifically using the titers for diseases on your farm.”

Swine influenza is an often-overlooked cause of diarrhea in piglets. While it is primarily recognized for causing respiratory issues, the virus can also lead to scours in the first two weeks of piglets’ life. So, sows should be checked for symptoms of swine influenza (such as nasal discharge, sneezing and coughing, and inappetence) before farrowing. If necessary, they must be treated with paracetamol to reduce fever and symptoms.

Main disease causes of pre-weaning diarrhea

Nursery period Mortality level
Days 1-3 Days 3-7 Days 7-14 Days 14-21
Agalactia ü ü ü ü Moderate
Clostridia ü ü ü High
Coccidiosis ü ü ü Low
E. coli ü ü ü Moderate
PED ü ü ü Variable
PRRS ü ü ü ü Variable
Rotavirus ü ü Low
TGE ü ü ü ü High
Influenza ü ü Low

Ensuring colostrum intake

The intake of an adequate quantity of colostrum is crucial for piglets to be protected during the first days of life. Best practices to ensure that piglets get 250 mL of colostrum include:

  • Teat access – if a sow has a large litter or is unable to nurse all her piglets effectively, consider split suckling by separating larger, more vigorous piglets from the litter for a couple of hours after birth. This allows smaller or weaker piglets better access to the udder without competition. Syringe-feeding colostrum to smaller piglets is also effective.
  • Early access – six hours after farrowing, the quality of colostrum begins to decline significantly. Additionally, the piglet can only absorb intact large IgG molecules, the major source of passive immunity, during the first 24 h after birth, prior to gut closure. In any case, by this time, the sow will start producing milk and not colostrum.
  • Sow behavior – if a sow experiences pain or discomfort from injuries caused by her piglets’ teeth, she may become less willing to allow them to nurse, leading to delays in colostrum intake. Genetic background influences maternal behavior significantly. For example, some breeds exhibit stronger maternal instincts and better nursing
    behaviors than others. Selecting sows with proven good maternal traits can lead to improved outcomes in piglet survival and growth.
  • Drafts – newborn piglets are born with low fat reserves and are highly susceptible to hypothermia. Drafts significantly impact the effective temperature experienced by piglets.
  • Staff training – Staff must be trained to recognize signs of distress in both sows and piglets; training in techniques enables them to assist with nursing and feeding, which is crucial for timely interventions.

PIGLET Shutterstock Cmyk Smaller

Weaning is a process, not just a one-time event

Research has shown that heavier piglets at weaning have better lifetime performance than lighter ones. Weaning weight is a more accurate indication of post-weaning growth than either birth weight or age. It is, therefore, important to establish the weaner immediately post-weaning to maintain growth rates, reduce pen variation, and lessen the amount of ‘tail-enders’ at the point of sale.

Dr. Seksom emphasized that “viewing weaning merely as a single event, rather than a process, overlooks the complexities involved in ensuring a smooth transition for the animals. He advocated for a comprehensive approach to weaning that includes the shown well-planned steps to support piglets during this critical phase. If the weaning process is managed effectively, you can significantly reduce the need for antibiotics.”


“By integrating these holistic management strategies, pig producers can effectively raise pigs without antibiotics while promoting animal health, improving productivity, and addressing consumer concerns about antibiotic use in livestock production,” summarized Dr. Seksom.

EW Nutrition’s Swine Academy took place in Ho Chi Minh City and Bangkok in October 2024. Dr. Seksom Attamangkune, a leading expert in the nutrition and management of pigs in tropical conditions and former Head of the Animal Science Department and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen, Kasetsart University, was a reputable guest speaker at this event.

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