Feed hygiene
supports performance

Fight enterobacteria in raw material, feedstuffs and compound feed

Enterobacteria such as Salmonella spp. and  Escherichia Coli can transform feed into a vehicle for the transmission of a wide range of hazards along the production chain.

Such microorganisms can cause diseases and lower performance in farm animals. Thus, the microbiological evaluation of feed ingredients and finished feeds is essential to ensure that animal feeds are innocuous and safe to eat, and that animal performance is at its highest potential.

Feed hygiene

Lab Services

In animal production, feed quality and safety are always on your radar. With EW Nutrition’s Feed Hygiene Services, you have customized expert services at your door.

Technical expertise

Quick and reliable analysis

Actionable data-based recommendations

How does it go?

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    Feed mill and farm sampling at critical control points
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    Lab testing: Microbiology, chemistry, etc.
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    Risk assessment
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Your benefits

If your feed is safe, congratulations! You have gained peace of mind by doing nothing.

If there are any improvements to be made, you will get a recommendation for solutions and a roadmap.

You can now reach the highest possible boost for production from safe, high-quality, microbiologically-safe feed.

Easy feed hygiene services

for top animal performance


Feed hygiene solutions

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Mycotoxins in poultry: Impact on beak/mouth health -- Read here