Profitable, Professional, Precise

Feed Hygiene

Feed hygiene
supports performance
Fight enterobacteria in raw material, feedstuffs and compound feed
Enterobacteria such as Salmonella spp. and Escherichia Coli can transform feed into a vehicle for the transmission of a wide range of hazards along the production chain.
Such microorganisms can cause diseases and lower performance in farm animals. Thus, the microbiological evaluation of feed ingredients and finished feeds is essential to ensure that animal feeds are innocuous and safe to eat, and that animal performance is at its highest potential.
Feed hygiene
Lab Services
In animal production, feed quality and safety are always on your radar. With EW Nutrition’s Feed Hygiene Services, you have customized expert services at your door.
How does it go?
Your benefits
Easy feed hygiene services
for top animal performance
Feed hygiene solutions