Toxin mitigation
Animals are exposed to toxin challenges all through their lifecycle. Act efficiently to maintain production performance and prevent losses, with an integrated approach and responsive services.
What is included in the Mastersorb line?
Reduce the impact of stress and mitigate toxin risks
Animals are exposed to stress challenges all through their lifecycle. With stress come endotoxins, triggering inflammatory reactions and reducing performance. Act efficiently to prevent and mitigate the impact of endotoxins and mycotoxins on welfare, health and performance.
Health and productivity under toxin challenges
Even at low levels, mycotoxins hinder animal welfare, health and performance. Act efficiently to prevent the impact on your productivity and profitability.
Mycotoxin mitigation preventively or under challenges
Mastersorb is a premixture developed to lower the impact of aflatoxin on production animals. With Mastersorb, you can act preemptively and mitigate the risks posed by this common mycotoxin.
Mitigate toxin risks and support ruminant productivity
Mastersorb Premium is a mineral feed specifically developed for ruminants. It contains a combination of proprietary ingredients that, in toxin challenges, support the health, metabolism and productivity of the animals.
Take action against toxins
Reduce the consequences of stress on animal production