Sustainability will push more by-products into pig feed – Keep track of mycotoxins!

Mycotoxin Team EW Nutrition

Most grains used in feed are susceptible to mycotoxin contamination, causing severe economic losses all along feed value chains. As skyrocketing raw material prices force producers to include a higher proportion of economical cereal by-products in the feed, the risks of mycotoxin contamination likely increase. This article reviews why mycotoxins cause the damage they do – and how effective toxin-mitigating solutions prevent this damage.

Mycotoxin contamination of cereal by-products requires solutions

Cereal by-products may become more important feed ingredients as grain prices increase. However, from a sustainability point of view and considering population growth, using cereal by-products in animal feed makes much sense. Distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are a good example of how by-products from food processing industries can become high-quality animal feed.

Fefac Stats
Figure 1: By-products are a crucial protein source (data from FEFAC Feed&Food 2021 report)


Still, research on what happens to mycotoxins during food processing shows that mycotoxins are concentrated into fractions that are commonly used as animal feed (cf. Pinotti et al., 2016; Caballero and Heinzl, 2022). To safeguard animal health and performance when feeding lower-quality cereals, monitoring mycotoxin risks through regular testing and using toxin-mitigating solutions is essentialy.

Problematic effects of mycotoxins on the intestinal epithelium

Most mycotoxins are absorbed in the proximal part of the gastrointestinal tract. This absorption can be high, as in the case of aflatoxins (ca. 90%), but also very limited, as in the case of fumonisins (< 1%); moreover, it depends on the species. Notably, a significant portion of unabsorbed toxins remains within the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

Importantly, studies based on realistic mycotoxin challenges (e.g., Burel et al., 2013) show that the mycotoxin levels necessary to trigger damaging processes are lower than the levels reported as safe by EFSA, the Food Safety Agency of the European Union. The ultimate consequences range from diminished nutrient absorption to inflammatory responses and pathogenic disorders in the animal (Figure 2).

Figure Scheme
Figure 2: Mycotoxins’ impact on the GIT and consequences for monogastric animals

1. Alteration of the intestinal barrier‘s morphology and functionality

Several studies indicate that mycotoxins such as aflatoxin B1, DON, fumonisin B1, ochratoxin A, and T2, can increase the permeability of the intestinal epithelium of poultry and swine (e.g., Pinton & Oswald, 2014). This is primarily a consequence of the inhibition of protein synthesis.

As a result, there is an increase in the passage of antigens into the bloodstream (e.g., bacteria, viruses, and toxins). This increases the animal’s susceptibility to infectious enteric diseases. Moreover, the damage that mycotoxins cause to the intestinal barrier entails that they are also being absorbed at a higher rate.

2. Impaired immune function in the intestine

The intestine is a very active immune site, where several immuno-regulatory mechanisms simultaneously defend the body from harmful agents. Immune cells are affected by mycotoxins through the initiation of apoptosis, the inhibition or stimulation of cytokines, and the induction of oxidative stress.

3. Alteration of the intestinal microflora

Piglets ART

Recent studies on the effect of various mycotoxins on the intestinal microbiota show that DON and other trichothecenes favor the colonization of coliform bacteria in pigs. DON and ochratoxin A also induce a greater invasion of Salmonella and their translocation to the bloodstream and vital organs in birds and pigs – even at non-cytotoxic concentrations.

It is known that fumonisin B1 may induce changes in the balance of sphingolipids at the cellular level, including for gastrointestinal cells. This facilitates the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria, increases in their populations, and prolongs infections, as has been shown in the case of E. coli. The colonization of the intestine of food-producing animals by pathogenic strains of E. coli and Salmonella also poses a risk to human health.

4. Interaction with bacterial toxins

When mycotoxins induce changes in the intestinal microbiota, this can increase the endotoxin concentration in the intestinal lumen. Endotoxins promote the release of several cytokines that induce an enhanced immune response, causing inflammation, thus reducing feed consumption and animal performance, damage to vital organs, sepsis, and death of the animals in some cases.

The synergy between mycotoxins and endotoxins can result in an overstimulation of the immune system. The interaction between endotoxins and estrogenic agents such as zearalenone, for example, generates chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders because immune cells have estrogen receptors, which are stimulated by the mycotoxin.

Increased mycotoxin risks through by-products? Invest in mitigation solutions

To prevent the detrimental consequences of mycotoxins on animal health and performance, proactive solutions are needed that support the intestinal epithelium’s digestive and immune functionality and help maintain a balanced microbiome in the GIT. This becomes even more important as the current market conditions will likely engender a long-term shift towards including more cereal by-products in animal diets.

Trial data shows that EW Nutrition’s toxin-mitigating solution SOLIS MAX 2.0 provides adequate protection against feedborne mycotoxins. The synergistic combination of ingredients in SOLIS MAX 2.0 prevents mycotoxins from damaging the animals’ gastrointestinal tract and entering the bloodstream and additionally acts as antioxidant and liver-protecting:

Figure MOA Solis Max
Figure 3: Moa of Solis Max 2.0

In-vitro study shows strong mitigation effects of SOLIS MAX 2.0 against a wide range of mycotoxins

Animal feed is often contaminated with two or more mycotoxins, making it essential for an anti-mycotoxin agent to be effective against a wide range of different mycotoxins. A trial with SOLIS MAX 2.0 was conducted at an independent laboratory in Spain with an inclusion level of the product of 0.10% (equivalent to 1 kg per ton of feed). A phosphate buffer solution at pH 7 was prepared to simulate intestinal conditions in which a portion of the mycotoxins may be released from the binder (desorption). The following mycotoxins were evaluated in the test (see Table 1):

Table 1: Mycotoxin challenges

Table Efficacy Solis Max Table

Each mycotoxin was tested separately by adding a challenge to buffer solutions, incubating for one hour at 41°C, to establish the baseline (table). At the same time, a solution with the toxin challenge and Solis Max 2.0 was prepared, incubated, and analyzed for the residual mycotoxin to find the binding efficacy. All analyses were carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with standard detectors.

Figure Efficacy Solis Max Mycotoxins
Figure 4: SOLIS MAX 2.0 (1 kg/t of feed) adsorption capacity against different mycotoxins (%)

The results (Figure 4) demonstrate that SOLIS MAX 2.0 is a highly effective solution against the most common mycotoxins in raw materials and animal feed.

Mycotoxin risk management for better animal feed

A healthy gastrointestinal tract is crucial to animals’ overall health: it ensures that nutrients are optimally absorbed, provides adequate protection against pathogens through its immune function, and is key to maintaining a well-balanced microflora. Even at levels considered safe by the European Union, mycotoxins can compromise different intestinal functions, resulting in lower productivity and susceptibility to disease.

The globalized feed trade, which spreads mycotoxins beyond their geographical origin, climate change, and raw material market pressures additionally escalate the problem. On top of rigorous testing, producers should mitigate unavoidable mycotoxin exposures by using solutions such as SOLIS MAX 2.0 – for stronger animal health, welfare, and productivity.


Antonissen, Gunther, An Martel, Frank Pasmans, Richard Ducatelle, Elin Verbrugghe, Virginie Vandenbroucke, Shaoji Li, Freddy Haesebrouck, Filip Van Immerseel, and Siska Croubels. “The Impact of Fusarium Mycotoxins on Human and Animal Host Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases.” Toxins 6, no. 2 (January 28, 2014): 430–52.

Burel, Christine, Mael Tanguy, Philippe Guerre, Eric Boilletot, Roland Cariolet, Marilyne Queguiner, Gilbert Postollec, et al. “Effect of Low Dose of Fumonisins on Pig Health: Immune Status, Intestinal Microbiota and Sensitivity to Salmonella.” Toxins 5, no. 4 (April 23, 2013): 841–64.

Burton, Emily J., Dawn V. Scholey, and Peter E. Williams. “Use of Cereal Crops for Food and Fuel – Characterization of a Novel Bioethanol Coproduct for Use in Meat Poultry Diets.” Food and Energy Security 2, no. 3 (September 19, 2013): 197–206.

Ghareeb, Khaled, Wageha A. Awad, Josef Böhm, and Qendrim Zebeli. “Impacts of the Feed Contaminant Deoxynivalenol on the Intestine of Monogastric Animals: Poultry and Swine.” Journal of Applied Toxicology 35, no. 4 (October 28, 2014): 327–37.

Mani, V., T. E. Weber, L. H. Baumgard, and N. K. Gabler. “Growth and Development Symposium: Endotoxin, Inflammation, and Intestinal Function in livestock1,2.” Journal of Animal Science 90, no. 5 (May 1, 2012): 1452–65.

Obremski, K. “The Effect of in Vivo Exposure to Zearalenone on Cytokine Secretion by Th1 and Th2 Lymphocytes in Porcine Peyer’s Patches after in Vitro Stimulation with LPS.” Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 17, no. 4 (2014): 625–32.

Oswald, I. P., C. Desautels, J. Laffitte, S. Fournout, S. Y. Peres, M. Odin, P. Le Bars, J. Le Bars, and J. M. Fairbrother. “Mycotoxin Fumonisin B1 Increases Intestinal Colonization by Pathogenic Escherichia Coli in Pigs.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69, no. 10 (2003): 5870–74.

Pinotti, Luciano, Matteo Ottoboni, Carlotta Giromini, Vittorio Dell’Orto, and Federica Cheli. “Mycotoxin Contamination in the EU Feed Supply Chain: A Focus on Cereal Byproducts.” Toxins 8, no. 2 (February 15, 2016): 45.

Pinton, Philippe, and Isabelle Oswald. “Effect of Deoxynivalenol and Other Type B Trichothecenes on the Intestine: A Review.” Toxins 6, no. 5 (May 21, 2014): 1615–43.

Building and boosting the immunity shield of pigs

Conference report

A well-functioning immune system is vital for the survival and performance of animals. It helps piglets cope with challenging periods, such as their first days of life or weaning. Measures can be taken around farrowing to support the piglets during their first days by enhancing the quality and quantity of colostrum and helping them develop their own immune system as fast as possible.

Adequate feeding of the sow before and around farrowing

Feeding of both the sow and the piglet has an important influence on farrowing, the health of the sow, colostrum and milk production, piglets’ development of immunity, and their later performance. A well-functioning immune system is crucial for the piglets to withstand upcoming challenges such as weaning.

Colostrum quality can be influenced by feeding

Newborn piglets have no functioning immunity system. They rely entirely on immunoglobulin G (IgG) absorption from colostrum within the first few hours after birth to establish their immunity shield. Dr. Megan Edwards, Animal Nutrition Consultant from Integral Nutrition (S) Pte Ltd, highlighted the payback of adequate colostrum quality and intake: Adequate colostrum intake can positively affect whole-of-life immunity and, ultimately, growth performance. The contained IgG is essential for providing passive immunity to piglets, protecting them from infections during their early days of life when their immune systems are still developing. There is a positive correlation between the amount of IgG they absorb from colostrum and their performance. This benefit of colostrum intake is independent of birth weight.

We have a 3-week window to influence colostrogenesis. However, the fat content of colostrum is determined in the last 48 hours before farrowing. According to Dr. Edwards, influencing colostrum quality is generally easier than affecting quantity. She identified several compounds that can serve as immunomodulators, such as MCFAs, yeast extracts, and butyrate. However, by moving IgG to colostrum and milk in late gestation and lactation, the sow compromises her immunity status by depleting her own reserves for about two weeks.

Feeding at farrowing

Sow body condition has been shown to have more impact on colostrum yield than feeding level. The highest colostrum yield was achieved when sows entered the farrowing unit with a moderate body condition (3-3.25 – the ribs, spine, and hip bones can only be felt with firm pressure but are not visibly prominent). Overfeeding should be avoided to prevent sows from becoming excessively fat pre-farrowing.

Sows experience increased energy demands during farrowing due to the physical demands of parturition and the physiological changes occurring in their bodies. Dr. Edwards does not encourage withholding feed on the day of farrowing and suggests offering up to 3kg if the sow has the appetite. Feeding just below the energy requirement helps the sow to mobilize her own body fat.

Many producers mistakenly withhold feed on the day of the farrow to reduce the incidence of constipation. Feeding, however, stimulates gut motility. Withholding feed can slow down gut transit time and actually increase the likelihood of constipation.

Piglet feeding for developing intestinal tract and immune system

In piglet feeding, two strategies are decisive: the early intake of immunoglobulins via colostrum to protect the piglets against pathogens during their first days of life and the offering of creep feed to stimulate their intestinal development.

High-quality colostrum as much and as soon as possible

When the piglets are born, it is of the highest importance that they ingest colostrum as much and as soon as possible. The piglet can only absorb intact large IgG molecules, the primary source of passive immunity, before gut closure, which begins about 6–12 hours after birth and progresses rapidly to completion in about 24 hours. In any case, the sow will start producing milk by this time and no more colostrum. The concentration of colostrum IgG decreases by 50% within 6 hours after the birth of the first piglet. The target is for piglets to consume 250 g of colostrum within the first 24 hours, ideally within the first 6 hours. However, about 30% of sows produce insufficient colostrum.

Figure 1: Mortality of piglets until 42 days of age
Figure 1: Mortality of piglets until 42 days of age according to intervals of birthweight and colostrum intake
(Hasan et al. 2019; the numbers of piglets are shown in parenthesis)

Split suckling jump-starts weak piglets

Split suckling is an effective management strategy to improve piglets’ access to colostrum and milk, particularly in increasingly common situations where sows give birth to large litters. This involves temporarily separating the more vigorous piglets from the sow to allow smaller or weaker piglets better access to the teats. This method helps ensure that all piglets receive adequate nutrition during the critical early hours after birth.

Large litters provoke energy deficiency in piglets

Piglets are born with limited energy reserves (glycogen and brown fat tissue). Ingestion of colostrum is associated with a considerable increase in the metabolic rate, contributing to maintaining body temperature. About 70% of the piglets’ energy requirement in the first 72 hours is provided by colostrum. “Most piglets that die within this period do so primarily due to energy deficiencies rather than immune-related issues. The trend towards larger litter sizes has exacerbated the issue of energy deficiency,” stated Dr. Edwards.

Creep feeding

The primary role of creep feed is to accelerate the development of the piglets, their digestive and immune systems, and their gut microbiome, not for weight gain. Creep feeding helps evolve digestive enzymes and acid secretion necessary for breaking down complex carbohydrates and proteins. This early feeding supports piglets in adapting to solid diets, mitigating stress during weaning.
Creep feeding also helps piglets develop an oral tolerance to avoid transient hypersensitivity due to various dietary ingredients. This process is essential for preventing allergic reactions and hypersensitivity, which can occur when the immune system mistakenly identifies harmless substances as threats. It takes about two weeks for the piglet to recognize an ingredient as a nutrient, not a pathogen. To facilitate this process, she recommends that creep diets contain a broad range of ingredients at low doses. This approach gradually exposes piglets to various nutrients, allowing their immune systems to adapt without overwhelming them with high concentrations of any single ingredient.

Mycotoxins must be managed – even in piglets

The significance of mycotoxins in piglets is often underestimated due to their relatively small feed intake. However, there is substantial evidence that mycotoxins can be transferred from sows to piglets through colostrum and milk, which can have profound health implications.

Dr. Edwards is convinced that managing mycotoxins is managing immunity. Mycotoxins are transferrable via the placenta, colostrum, and milk. There is a positive correlation between the mycotoxin levels in feed and colostrum. For example, adverse effects seen in piglets consuming colostrum with low doses of deoxynivalenol (DON) include:
• Decreased villus height
• Reduced mucosal integrity
• Increased inflammation
• Alternated immune response
The bottom line is that mycotoxins are a real and everyday risk to the immune quality of your piglets.

Nutrition influences piglets’ immune development

Dr. Edwards summarized that adequate nutrition is fundamental for developing a strong immune system in pigs, which is the basis for high performance. By focusing on the appropriate nutrition of the sow, ensuring an adequate intake of high-quality colostrum intake in piglets, and implementing creep feeding strategies, producers can significantly enhance the lifetime health and productivity of their piglets from an early age.

EW Nutrition’s Swine Academy took place in Ho Chi Minh City and Bangkok in October 2024. Dr. Megan Edwards, an Australian animal nutrition consultant with global research and praxis experience and a keen interest in immuno-nutrition and functional nutrients, was an esteemed guest speaker at this event.

Mycotoxins in poultry – External signs can give a hint

Part 4: Paleness

By Dr. Inge Heinzl, Editor and Marisabel Caballero, Global Technical Manager Poultry

We already showed bad feathering, mouth and beak lesions, bone issues, and foot pad lesions as signs of mycotoxin contamination in the feed, but there is another indicator: paleness. Paleness can signify a low count of red blood cells resulting from blood loss or inadequate production of these cells. Other possibilities are higher bilirubin levels in the blood due to an impaired liver, leading to jaundice or missing pigmentation.

Hen With Pale Comb And Wattles Large
Hen with pale comb and wattles (adapted from Bozzo et al., 2023)

The mycotoxins mainly causing anemia are Aflatoxins, Ochratoxin, DON, and T-2 toxin

Anemia can be diagnosed using parameters such as red blood cell count, hemoglobin levels, and hematocrit/packed cell volume (PCV). Numerous studies have examined the impact of mycotoxins on hematological parameters. They reveal their propensity to affect red blood cell production by impairing the function of the spleen and inducing hematological alterations. On the other hand, anemia can be caused by blood loss. Due to affecting coagulation factors, mycotoxins can lead to internal hemorrhages. The gut wall damage, probably due to secondary infections such as coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis, can entail bloody diarrhea in various animal species.

Impact on the production of blood cells

Low values of blood parameters such as red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit can result from inadequate production due to impacted production organs. The World Health Organization (WHO, 1990) and European Commission (European Commission, 2001) have identified hematopoietic tissues as targets for necrosis caused by T-2 toxin. Chu (2003) even stated that “the major lesion of T-2 toxin is its devastating effect on the hematopoietic system in many mammals, including humans”. Pande et al. (2006) suggested that reduced hemoglobin values result from decreased protein synthesis due to mycotoxin contamination, a notion supported by Pronk et al. (2002), who described trichothecenes as potent inhibitors of protein, DNA, and RNA synthesis, particularly affecting tissues with high cell division rates. Additionally, the European Commission (2001) highlighted the sensitivity of red blood cell progenitor cells (in this trial, the cells of mice, rats, and humans) to the toxic effects of T-2 and HT-toxins. DAS also seems to attack the hematopoietic system, as shown in humans (WHO, 1990). A further cause for anemia might be low feed intake or nutrient absorption, which inhibits adequate iron absorption and leads to iron deficiency. In their case report, Bozzo et al. (2023) assumed that renal failure and a resulting impaired excretion capacity caused by OTA might even increase the half-life of the toxins. This would enhance their effects on their target organs, such as the liver and bone marrow, and lead to anemia.

Several studies utilizing different animal species and mycotoxin dosages have been conducted to assess the effects of Aflatoxins, Ochratoxin, and T-2 Toxin on hematological parameters. The following table provides a summary of some of these studies.

Animal species Dosage Impact Reference
T-2 Toxin and other Trichothecenes
Broilers T-2 – 0, 1, 2, and 4 mg T-2 toxin/kg

n=30 per group

Significant reduction in hemoglobin at 1, 2, and 4 ppm; PCV significantly reduced at 4 ppm Pande et al., 2006
Broilers T-2 – 0 and 4 mg/kg diet

n=60 per group

Decrease in hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration Kubena et al., 1989a
Broilers 4, 16, 50, 100, 300 ppm for seven days

n=5-20 chickens per group

Anemia; significant reduction of hematocrit (50 and 100 ppm); survivors had atrophied lymphoid organs and were anemic Hoerr et al., 1982
Yangzhou goslings 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0 mg/kg; n=6 per group Red blood cell count decreased in the 2.0 mg/kg group along with an increase in mean corpuscular hemoglobin (p<0.05) and reduced mean platelet volume (P<0.05) Gu et al., 2023
Broilers 2 ppm; 32 birds per group Anemia, as indicated by significantly (P<0.05) lower total erythrocyte count (TEC) values, lower hemoglobin levels, and packed cell volume; additional thrombocytopenia could be the cause of bleeding Yohannes et al., 2013
Broilers 5 and 15 mg/kg of feed for 42 days Decrease in erythrocytes, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) at 15 mg/kg; decrease in hematocrit and hemoglobin at both levels of DON.


Riahi, 2021
Piglets 0.6 mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg Significant decrease in mean corpuscular volume Modrá et al., 2013
Broilers 16 mg/kg diet

n=60 per group

Significant decrease in mean corpuscular volume Kubena et al., 1989c
Broilers 2 mg/kg diet singly or combined with

DAS 6 mg/kg

Reduced mean corpuscular hemoglobin values Kubena et al., 1994
Broilers 2 mg/kg diet Significant decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration Kubena et al., 1989b
Broilers 2.5 µg/g Decrease in red blood cell count Huff et al., 1988
Broilers ≥1.25 µg/g Significant decrease in hemoglobin and erythrocyte count Tung et al., 1975
Laying hens Natural feed contamination OTA – 31 ± 3.08 µg/kg and

AFB1 – 5.6 ± 0.33 µg/kg dry weight

Anemia signs (pale appearance of combs and wattles), evidenced by the discoloration of the content of the femoral medullary cavity.


Bozzo et al., 2023


Table 1: The effects of different mycotoxins on hematological parameters – hematopoiesis

In their meta-analysis, Andretta et al. (2012) reported that the presence of mycotoxins in broiler diets decreased the hematocrit and the hemoglobin concentration by 5% and 15%, and aflatoxin alone decreased the parameters by 6% and 20%.

It should be evident that a simultaneous occurrence of several mycotoxins even aggravates the situation. In an experiment involving Sprague Dawley rats, administering T-2, DON, NIV, ZEA, NEO, and OTB decreased hematocrit and red blood cell counts across all mycotoxins. However, for DON, NIV, ZEN, and OTB, red blood cell values showed partial recovery after 24 hours (Chattopadhyay, 2013). Perhaps the organism learns to cope with the mycotoxins.

The examples show that Trichothecenes, such as T-2 toxin, DON, and others, as well as Ochratoxins and Aflatoxins, impact blood parameters such as hematocrit, hemoglobin, red blood cell count, and mean corpuscular volume. All these changes might lead to paleness of the skin and birds’ feet and combs.

Blood loss caused by bleeding or destruction of erythrocytes

The second possibility for anemia is blood loss due to injuries or lesions. In addition to directly causing hemorrhages, mycotoxins can promote secondary infections such as coccidiosis, which damages the gut and may produce bloody feces.

Parent-Massin (2004) e.g. reports on rapidly progressing coagulation problems after the ingestion of trichothecenes leading to septicemia and massive hemorrhages. Table 2 shows more examples of mycotoxins causing paleness due to blood loss.

Animal species Dosage Impact Reference
T-2 Toxin and other Trichothecenes
Cats T-2 toxin – 0.06-0.1 mg/kg body weight/day Bloody feces, hemorrhages Lutsky et al., 1978
Cats T-2 toxin – 0.08 mg/kg BW every 48 h until death Bloody feces Lutzky and Mor, 1981
Pigeon DAS in oat, sifting Emesis and bloody stools Szathmary (1983)
Calves 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, or 0.6 mg/kg BW per day for 30 days; 1 calf per treatment Bloody feces at doses ≥0.32 mg/kg BW per day Pier et al., 1976
Rats Single dosages of 0, 17, or 22 mg/kg BW in 0.1 Mol/L NaHCO3, gavage Multifocal hemorrhages in many organs Albassam et al., 1987
Broilers 0, 35, 70, 140, 280, 560, and 1120 mg/kg body weight Ecchymotic hemorrhages throughout the intestinal tract, liver, and musculature; relationship to hemorrhagic anemia syndrome seems warranted Huff et al., 1981
Sterigmatocystin (ST)
10-12-day old chicks (93-101 g) 10 and 14 mg/kg BW intraperitoneal Hemorrhages and foci of necrosis in the liver Sreemannarayana et al., 1987
Broiler chickens 100 µg/kg feed Hemorrhages in the liver Abdel-Sattar, 2019
Turkeys 500 and 1000 ppb in the diet Bloody diarrhea, spleens with hemorrhages, petechial hemorrhages in the small intestine Giambrone et al., 1984
Broilers 0, 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 mg/kg of diet combined with Infectious Bursal Disease Slight hemorrhages in the skeletal muscles; decreased hematocrit and hemoglobin due to hemolytic anemia. Chang and Hamilton, 1981
Broilers 0, 1, and 2 mg AFB1/kg of diet Downregulation of the genes involved in blood coagulation (coagulation factor IX and X) and upregulation of anticoagulant protein C precursor, an inactivator of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa, and antithrombin-III precursor with 2 mg/kg Yarru, 2009
Pigs 1-4 mg/kg, 4 weeks

0.4-0.8 mg/kg, 10 weeks

Hemorrhages Henry et al., 2001

Table 2: The effects of different mycotoxins on hematological parameters – blood loss

Poor pigmentation

The fourth reason for paleness can be inadequate pigmentation. According to Hy Line (2021), the so-called pale bird syndrome is characterized by poor skin and egg yolk pigmentation and is caused by reduced absorption of fat and carotenoid pigments in compromised birds. This is also the case when the diets contain pigment supplements. Tyczkowski and Hamilton (1986) observed in their experiment with chickens exposed to doses of 1-8 µg of Aflatoxins/g of diet for three weeks that aflatoxins can cause poor pigmentation in chickens, probably by impairing carotenoids absorption but also transport and deposition. Osborne et al. (1982) asserted that carotenoids were significantly (P<0.05) depressed by 2 ppm ochratoxin as well as by 2.5 ppm aflatoxin in the diet.

Another possibility is oxidative stress due to the mycotoxin challenge. As pigments also serve as antioxidants, they may be expended for this purpose and are no longer available for pigmentation.

Paleness in poultry – a reason to think about mycotoxins

Paleness can have different causes, some of which are influenced by mycotoxins. If your chickens or hens are pale, checking the feed concerning mycotoxins is always recommended. A feed analysis can give information about possible contamination (see our tool MasterRisk).

In the case of contamination, effective products binding the mycotoxins and mitigating the adverse effects of these harmful substances can help protect your birds. As paleness is usually not the only effect of mycotoxins but also a decrease in growth, toxin binders can help maintain the performance of your animals.


Abdel-Sattar, Ward Masoud, Kadry Mohamed Sadek, Ahmed Ragab Elbestawy, and Disouky Mohamed Mourad. “The Protective Role of Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera Seeds) against Aflatoxicosis in Broiler Chickens Regarding Carcass Characterstics, Hepatic and Renal Biochemical Function Tests and Histopathology.” Journal of World’s Poultry Research 9, no. 2 (June 25, 2019): 59–69.

Albassam, M. A., S. I. Yong, R. Bhatnagar, A. K. Sharma, and M. G. Prior. “Histopathologic and Electron Microscopic Studies on the Acute Toxicity of Ochratoxin a in Rats.” Veterinary Pathology 24, no. 5 (September 1987): 427–35.

Andretta, I., M. Kipper, C.R. Lehnen, and P.A. Lovatto. “Meta-Analysis of the Relationship of Mycotoxins with Biochemical and Hematological Parameters in Broilers.” Poultry Science 91, no. 2 (February 2012): 376–82.

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Bozzo, Giancarlo, Nicola Pugliese, Rossella Samarelli, Antonella Schiavone, Michela Maria Dimuccio, Elena Circella, Elisabetta Bonerba, Edmondo Ceci, and Antonio Camarda. “Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxin B1 Detection in Laying Hens for Omega 3-Enriched Eggs Production.” Agriculture 13, no. 1 (January 5, 2023): 138.

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Mycotoxins in poultry – External signs can give a hint

Part 3: Bone disorders and foot pad lesions

By Dr. Inge Heinzl, Editor, and Marisabel Caballero, Global Technical Manager Poultry


Bone health is essential for animals and humans. Besides giving structural support, allowing movement, and protecting vital organs, the bones release hormones that are crucial for mineral homeostasis and acid balance and serve as reservoirs of energy and minerals (Guntur & Rosen, 2012; Rath, N.C. & Durairaj, 2022; Suchacki et al., 2017).

Bone disorders and foot pad lesions are considerable challenges in poultry production, especially for fast-growing birds with high final weights. Due to pain, the animals do not move, and dominant, healthy birds may restrict lame birds’ access to feed and water. In consequence, these birds are often culled. Moreover, processing these birds is problematic, and often, they must be discarded or downgraded.

Foot pad lesions, another common issue in poultry production, can also have significant economic implications. On the one hand, pain restricts birds from eating and drinking and reduces weight gain. On the other hand, for many producers, chicken feet constitute a substantial part of the economic value of the bird; therefore, discarding them represents a significant financial loss. Additionally, to push poultry production in the right direction concerning animal health and welfare, a foot pad scoring system at the processing plant is in place in European countries.

Mycotoxins affect bones in different ways

Mycotoxins, depending on their target organs, can have diverse effects on the skeleton of birds. For example, mycotoxins that target the liver can disrupt calcium metabolism, which in turn affects the mineralization of the bones (rickets) and the impairment of chondrocytes can slow down bone growth (e.g., tibial dyschondroplasia). When the kidneys are impacted, urate clearance decreases, plasma uric acid consequently increases, and urate crystals form in the synovial fluid and tendon sheaths of various joints, particularly the hock joints. These examples highlight the complex and varied ways mycotoxins can impact poultry bone health.

Inadequate bone mineralization and strength – Rickets and layer cage fatigue

Sufficient bone mineralization is essential for the stability of the skeleton. Calcium (Ca), Vitamin D, and Phosphorous (P) deficiency leads to inadequate mineralization, weakens the bone, and can cause soft and bent bones or, in the case of layers, cage fatigue – a collapse of the spinal bone- and paralysis. Inadequate bone mineralization can be caused in different ways, among them:

  1. Decrease in the availability of the nutrients necessary for mineralization. This can occur if the digestibility of these nutrients deteriorates
  2. Impact on the Ca/P ratio—A ratio of 1 – 2:1 is vital for adequate bone development (Loughrill et al., 2016). Mycotoxins can alter absorption and transporters for one or both elements, altering their ratio.
  3. Impact on the Vitamin D receptor, affecting its expression or the transporters for Ca and P.

Aflatoxins can impair bone mineralization by different modes of action. An important one is the impairment of the digestibility of Ca and P: Kermanshahi et al. (2007) fed broilers diets with high levels of aflatoxins (0.8 to 1.2 mg AFB1/kg feed) for three weeks, which resulted in a significant reduction of Ca and P digestibility. Other researchers, however, did not find an effect on Ca and P digestibility with lower aflatoxin levels:  Bai et al. (2014) feeding diets contaminated with 96 (starter) and 157 µg Aflatoxins (grower) per kg of feed to broilers and Han et al. (2008) saw no impact on cherry valley ducks with levels of 20 and 40 µg AFB1/kg diet.

Indirectly, a decrease in the availability of Ca and P due to aflatoxin-contaminated feed can be shown by blood or tibia levels of these minerals, as demonstrated by  Zhao et al. (2010): They conducted a trial with broilers, resulting in blood serum levels of Ca and P levels significantly (P<0.05) dropped with feed contaminated with 2 mg/kg of AFB1. Another trial conducted by Bai et al. (2014) showed decreased Ca in the tibia and reduced tibial break strength.

To get more information about the effect of mycotoxins on bone mineralization and the utilization of Ca, P, and Vit. D in animal organisms, Costanzo et al. (2015) challenged osteosarcoma cells with 5 and 50 ppb of aflatoxin B1. They asserted a significant down-modulation of the expression of the Vitamin D receptor. Furthermore, they assumed an interference of AFB1 with the actions of vitamin D on calcium-binding gene expression in the kidney and intestine.  Paneru et al. (2024) could confirm this downregulation of the Vit D receptor and additionally of the Ca and P transporters in broilers with levels of ≥75 ppb AFB1. They also saw a significant reduction in tibial bone ash content at AFB1 levels >230 ppb, a decreased trabecular bone mineral content and density at AFB1 520 ppb, and a reduced bone volume and tissue volume of the cortical bone of the femur at the level of 230 ppb (see Figure 1). They concluded that AFB1 levels of already 230 ppb contribute to bone health issues in broilers.

Figure 1: Increasing doses of AFB1 (<2 ppb – 560 ppb) deteriorate bone quality (Paneru, 2024): Cross-sectional images of femoral metaphysis with increasing AFB1 levels (left to right). The outer cortical bone is shown in light grey, and the inner trabecular bone in blue. Higher levels of AFB1 (T4 and T5) show a disruption of the trabecular bone pattern (less dense blue pattern with thinner and more fragmented bone strands and with wide spaces between the trabecular bone) (shown in white).

All experiments strongly suggest that aflatoxins harm bone homeostasis. Additional liver damage, oxidative stress, and impaired cellular processes can exacerbate bone health issues.

Trichothecenes also negatively impact bone mineralization. Depending on the mycotoxin, they may affect the gut, decreasing the absorption of Ca and P and probably provoking an imbalance in the Ca/P ratio.

For instance, when T-2 toxin was fed to Yangzhou goslings at 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 mg/kg of diet, it decreased the Ca levels (halved at 0.8 mg/kg) and increased the P levels in the blood serum, so the Ca/P ratio decreased from the adequate ratio of 1 – 2 to 0.85, 0.66, and 0.59 (P<0.05) (Gu et al., 2023). The alterations of the Ca and P levels, the resulting decreasing Ca/P ratio, and an additional increase in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) suggest that T-2 toxin negatively impacts Ca absorption, increases ALP, and, therefore, disturbs calcification and bone development.

Other studies show that serum P levels decreased in broilers fed DON-contaminated feed with levels of only 2.5 mg/kg (Keçi et al., 2019). One reason for the lower P level is probably the lower dry matter intake, affecting Ca and P intake. Ca serum level is not typically reduced, which can be explained by the fact that Ca plays many critical physiological roles (e.g., nerve communication, blood coagulation, hormonal regulation), so the body keeps the blood levels by reducing bone mineralization. Another explanation is delivered by Li et al. (2020): After their trial with broilers, they stated that dietary P deficiency is more critical for bone development than Ca deficiency or Ca & P deficiency. The results of the trial conducted by Keçi et al. with DON (see above) were reduced bone mineralization, affected bone density, ash content, and ash density in the femur and tibiotarsus with a stronger impact on the tibiotarsus than on the femur.

In line with trichothecenes effects in Ca and P absorption, Ledoux et al. (1992) suppose that diarrhea caused by intake of fumonisins leads to malabsorption or maldigestion of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, having birds with rickets as a secondary effect.

Ochratoxin A (OTA) impairs kidney function, negatively affects vitamin D metabolism, reduces Ca absorption, and contributes to deteriorated bone strength (Devegowda and Ravikiran, 2009). Indications from Huff et al. (1980) show decreased tibia strength after feeding chickens OTA levels of 2, 4, and 8 µ/g, and Duff et al. (1987) report similar results also in turkey poults.

A further mycotoxin possibly contributing to leg weakness is cyclopiazonic acid produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium. This mycotoxin is known for leading to eggs with thin or visibly racked shells, indicating an impairment of calcium metabolism (Devegowda and Ravikiran, 2009). Tran et al. (2023) also showed this fact with multiple mycotoxins.

The co-occurrence of different mycotoxins in the feed – the standard in praxis – increases the risk of leg issues. A trial with broiler chickens conducted by Raju and Devegowda (2000) showed a bone ash-decreasing effect of AFB1 (300 µg/kg), OTA (2 mg/kg), and T-2 toxin (3 mg/kg), fed individually but an incomparable higher effect when fed in combination.

Impairment of bone growth – tibial dyschondroplasia (TD)

In TD, the development of long bones is impaired, and abnormal cartilage development occurs. It is frequent in broilers, with a higher incidence in males than females. It happens when the bone grows, as the soft cartilage tissue is not adequately replaced by hard bone tissue. Some mycotoxins have been related to this condition: According to Sokolović et al. (2008), actively dividing cells such as bone marrow are susceptible to T-2 toxin, including the tibial growth plates, which regulate chondrocyte formation, maturation, and turnover.

T-2 toxin: In a study with primary cultures of chicken tibial growth plate chondrocytes (GPCs) and three different concentrations of T-2 toxin (5, 50, and 500 nM), He et al. (2011) found that T-2 toxin decreased cell viability, alkaline phosphatase activity, and glutathione content (P < 0.05). Additionally, it increased the level of reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde in a dose-dependent way, which could be partly recompensated by adding an antioxidant (N-acetyl-cysteine). They concluded that T-2 toxin inhibits the proliferation and differentiation of GPCs and contributes, therefore, to the development of TD, altering cellular homeostasis. Antioxidants may help to reduce these effects.

Gu et al. (2023) investigated the closely bodyweight-related shank length and the tibia development in Yangzhou goslings fed feed with six different levels (0 to 2.0 mg/kg) of T-2 toxin for 21 days. They determined a clear dose-dependent slowed tibial length and weight growth (p<0.05), as well as abnormal morphological structures in the tibial growth plate. As tibial growth and shank length are closely related to weight gain (Gu et al., 2023; Gao et al., 2010; Ukwu et al., 2014; Yu et al., 2022), their slowdown indicates lower growth performance.

Fumonisin B1 is also a potential cause of this kind of leg issue. Feeding 100 and 200 mg/kg to day-old turkey poults for 21 days led to the development of TD (Weibking et al., 1993). Possible explanations are the reduced viability of chondrocytes, as found by Chu et al. (1995) after 48 h of exposure, or the toxicity of FB1 to splenocytes and chondrocytes, which was shown in different primary cell cultures from chicken (Wu et al., 1995).

Bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis lameness (BCO) can be triggered by DON and FUM

BCO presents a highly critical health and welfare issue in broiler production worldwide, and it is estimated that 1-2 % of condemnations in birds at the marketing age result from this disease. What is the reason? Today’s fast-growing broilers are susceptible to stress. This enables pathogenic bacteria to compromise epithelial barriers, translocate from the gastrointestinal tract or the pulmonary system into the bloodstream, and colonize osteochondrotic microfractures in the growth plate of the long bone. This can lead to bone necrosis and subsequent lameness.

In their experiment with DON and FUM in broilers, Alharbi et al. (2024) showed that these mycotoxins reduce the gut’s barrier strength and trigger immunosuppressive effects. They used contaminations of 0.76, 1.04, 0.94, and 0.93 mg DON/kg of feed and 2.40, 3.40, 3.20, and 3.50 mg FUM/kg diet in the starter, grower, finisher, and withdrawal phases, respectively. The team observed lameness on day 35; the mycotoxin groups always showed a significantly (P<0.05) higher incidence of cumulative lameness.

The increase in uric acid leads to gout

In general, mycotoxins, which damage the kidneys and, therefore, impact the renal excretion of uric acid, are potentially a factor for gout appearance.

One of these mycotoxins is T-2 toxin. With the trial mentioned before (Yangzhou goslings, 21 days of exposure), Gu et al. (2023) showed that the highest dosage of the toxin (2.0 mg/kg) significantly increased uric acid in the blood (P<0.05), possibly leading to the deposit of uric acid crystals in the joints and to gout.

Huff et al. (1975) applied Ochratoxin to chicks at 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 µg/g of feed during the first three weeks of life. They found ochratoxin A as a severe nephrotoxin in young broilers as it caused damage to the kidneys with doses of 1.0 µg/g and higher. At 4.0 and 8.0 µg/g doses, uric acid increased by 38 and 48%, respectively (see Figure 2). Page et al. (1980) also reported increased uric acid after feeding 0.5 or 1.0 mg/kg of Ochratoxin A to adult white Leghorn chickens.

FigureFigure 2: Effect of Ochratoxin A on plasma uric acid (mg/100 ml) (according to Huff et al., 1975)

Foot pad lesions – a further hint of mycotoxicosis

Foot pad lesions often result from wet litter, originating from diarrhea due to harmed gut integrity. Frequently, mycotoxins impact the intestinal tract and create ideal conditions for the proliferation of diarrhea-causing microorganisms and, therefore, secondary infections. Some also negatively impact the immune defense system, allowing pathogens to settle down or aggravate existing bacterial or viral parasitic diseases. In general, mycotoxins affect the physical (intestinal cell proliferation, cell viability, cell apoptosis), chemical (mucins, AMPs), immunological, and microbial barriers of the gut, as reported by Gao et al. (2020). Here are some examples of the adverse effects of mycotoxins leading to intestinal disorders and diarrhea:

  • Mycotoxins can modulate intestinal epithelial integrity and the renewal and repair of epithelial cells, negatively impacting the intestinal barrier’s intrinsic components; for instance, DON can significantly reduce the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER)(Grenier and Applegate, 2013). A higher permeability of the epithelium and a decreased absorption of dietary proteins can lead to higher protein in the digesta in the small intestine, which serves as a nutrient for pathogens including perfringens (Antonissen et al., 2014; Antonissen et al., 2015).
  • The application of Ochratoxin A (3 mg/kg) increased the number of S. typhimurium in the duodenum and ceca of White Leghorn chickens (Fukata et al., 1996). Another trial with broiler chicks at a concentration of 2 mg/kg aggravated the symptoms due to an infection by S. gallinarum (Gupta et al., 2005).
  • In a trial by Grenier et al., 2016, feed contaminated with DON (1.5 mg/kg), Fumonisin B (20 mg/kg), or both mycotoxins aggravated lesions caused by coccidia.
  • DON impacts the mucus layer composition by downregulating the expression of the gene coding for MUC2, as shown in a trial with human goblet cells (Pinton et al., 2015). The mucus layer prevents pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal lumen from contacting the intestinal epithelium (McGuckin et al., 2011).
  • Furthermore, DON and other mycotoxins decrease the populations of lactic acid-producing bacteria, indicating a shift in the microbial balance (Antonissen et al., 2016).
  • FB1 causes intestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, although it is poorly absorbed in the intestine. According to Bouhet and Oswald (2007), the main toxicological effect ascertained in vivo and in vitro is the accumulation of sphingoid bases associated with the depletion of complex sphingolipids. This negative impact on the sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway could explain other adverse effects, such as reduced intestinal epithelial cell viability and proliferation, modification of cytokine production, and impairment of intestinal physical barrier function.
  • T-2 toxin can disrupt the immune response, enhance the proliferation of coli in the gut, and increase its efflux (Zhang et al., 2022).

All these mycotoxins can cause foot pad lesions by impacting gut integrity or damaging the gut mucosa. They promote pathogenic organisms and, thus, provoke diarrhea and wet litter.

Mitigating the negative impact of mycotoxins on bones and feet is crucial for performance

Healthy bones and feet are essential for animal welfare and performance. Mycotoxins can be obstructive. Consequently, the first step to protecting your animals is to monitor their feed. If the analyses show the occurrence of mycotoxins at risky levels, proactive measures must be taken to mitigate the issues and ensure the health and productivity of your poultry.


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Mycotoxins pose a threat to the horse’s digestive system

Author: Judith Schmidt, Product Manager On Farm Solutions

Alarm in the gut! Horses have a susceptible digestive system that can quickly become unbalanced. Intestinal disorders in horses are usually associated with colic. Many factors can be responsible for intestinal issues. Have you ever thought about mycotoxins? What can horse owners do to support their horse´s gut health?
The equine stomach is not robust at all. Depending on their age and use, more than half of all horses suffer from stomach pain. Their digestive system is very sensitive and very different from that of other mammals: Horses cannot vomit and often suffer from severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, or cramps if they overeat or ingest spoiled feed.

The horse´s digestive system is complex and sensitive

The horse´s stomach has a relatively small capacity of around twelve to fifteen liters. Depending on the feed’s consistency and composition, it remains in the stomach for around one to five hours before it is pressed through the stomach outlet (pylorus) into the small intestine. The horse´s entire intestine is about ten times its body length.

Figure Digestive TractFigure 1: The horse’s digestive tract

The horse´s gastrointestinal tract is a complex network, reacting extremely sensitively to changes and, therefore, highly susceptible to disorders. It essentially consists of the head intestine (lips, oral cavity, teeth, and esophagus), stomach (blind pouch, fundus, and stomach outlet), small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum), and large intestine (caecum, colon and rectum). Each section plays a crucial role in the digestive process; any disruption can lead to health issues. Understanding this structure is key to maintaining a horse’s digestive health.

Digestive disorders can have various reasons

Intestinal problems in horses can stem from diverse causes, often a complex interplay of multiple factors. By understanding these causes more deeply, horse owners can be better equipped to prevent and manage these issues. In the following, we delve into several of these causes.

1.   Too long time between the feedings

Usually, a feeding break should be at most four to six hours, as, in nature, a horse is busy eating for at least 18 hours a day. In contrast to humans, who produce stomach acid only after food intake, the horse’s stomach produces gastric acid around the clock. The continuous intake of roughage, intensive chewing, and high saliva production (a horse produces 5 to 10 L of saliva per day) is, therefore, essential to protect the stomach mucosa by neutralizing excess gastric acid.

A too-long time between feedings and, therefore, no saliva production leads to an accumulation of gastric acid in the stomach. Four hours without roughage can already cause inflammation of the mucosa and probably ulcers.

2.   Excessive amounts of concentrated feed

Excessive amounts of concentrates such as wheat or rye, conditioned by less chewing activity, increase gastric acid and histamine production, and the stomach lining can be attacked. Also, in this case, the development of stomach ulcers is possible.

Furthermore, the possibly resulting hyperacidity of the organism can lead to malfunctions of the organs, the skin, and the hooves.

3.   Stress

Stress can also lead to a higher production of gastric acid and, therefore, to gastric ulcers. The horse is a flight animal.  When it is under stress, it prepares for the impending escape, and the muscles are preferably supplied with blood, resulting in a lower blood flow to the mucous membranes. Furthermore, the rising cortisone level reduces the hydrochloric acid-suppressing prostaglandin E. As a result, more stomach acid is produced, irritating the gastric mucosa.

Stress can be triggered, e.g., by transportation, competitions, training, a change of house, a new rider, unsuitable equipment, or poor posture.

4.   Dental diseases

The teeth are essential for digestion. When feed is chewed, it is broken down and mixed with saliva. Chipped teeth cannot chew well, and the feed is not sufficiently salivated or crushed, which has a detrimental effect on digestion.

For this reason, an expert vet should check the horse´s teeth at least once a year.

5.   Administration of painkillers/medication

As with humans, long-term medication administration can promote the formation of stomach ulcers. For this reason, it is essential to ensure that horses are fed a gentle diet on the stomach, especially when using oral pain therapy, and to add stomach protection if necessary.

6. Endotoxins

If pathogens such as E. coli or clostridia proliferate extremely or are killed by an antibiotic, endotoxins can be released. These toxins can cause transformation or inflammation of the gut mucosa. In drastic cases, whole areas of the mucosa can die off. 

7. Mycotoxins – the hidden danger in horse feed

Mycotoxins in plants and horse feed are a common but often unnoticed danger to horses’ health. Mycotoxins are natural, secondary metabolites of molds that have a toxic effect on humans and animals and can trigger mycotoxicosis. Contaminated feed can severely affect the horse’s health and, in the worst case, lead to death.

Over 90 % of the world´s feed production is estimated to be contaminated with at least one mycotoxin (see also Global Mycotoxin Report 2023, EW Nutrition. The intake of mycotoxins via hay, grain, silage, or compound feed can hardly be avoided. Mycotoxins are an increasing problem for all horse owners. Scientific studies show that the mycotoxins DON and ZEA are most frequently found in horse feed and, therefore, are also frequently detected in sports horses’ urine and blood samples.

Due to the highly toxic metabolic products, feed contaminated with molds can lead to severe liver and kidney diseases in horses, affect fertility, trigger colic, and promote digestive issues (diarrhea and watery stools).

Pictures ART
Mycotoxins Horses

Figure 2: Mycotoxins and their impact on horses

How to protect the horse from mycotoxins?

The first measure against the ingestion of mycotoxins is prevention. Correct pasture management and adequate barn and feed hygiene can contribute to preventing the ingestion of toxins.

However, despite the best prophylactic measures, it is impossible to prevent mycotoxin contamination of feed completely. As mycotoxins are not visible, analyzing the feed regarding mycotoxin contamination is recommended.

To protect your horse from mycotoxins, EW Nutrition developed MasterRisk, a tool for evaluating the risk of mycotoxins. Additionally, EW Nutrition has developed a complementary feed specifically for your horse´s needs in the form of granules. The sophisticated formulation of “Toxi-Pearls” is designed to bind mycotoxins and mitigate the adverse effects of mycotoxin contamination.

The pearls contain a mixture of mycotoxin binder, brewer’s yeast, and herbs:

  • The contained mycotoxin binder effectively controls the most important feed myco- and endotoxins. It additionally supports the liver and immune system and strengthens the intestinal barrier.
  • Brewer´s yeast supports the natural strength of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its high natural content of beta-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), unique surface structure, and the associated high adsorption power, brewer´s yeast has a prebiotic effect on the intestinal microbiome.
  • The additional unique herbal mixture consists of the typical gastrointestinal herbs oregano, rosemary, aniseed, fennel, and cinnamon. The processed beetroot is a true all-rounder. Literature shows that it has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system. It also promotes bile secretion and, therefore, supports fat digestion.


The horse’s digestive tract is highly sensitive and must be supported by all means. Besides failures in management, such as too long breaks between feedings or too high amounts of feed concentrate, mycotoxins present a high risk in horse nutrition. To prevent horses from intestinal issues, feed and stress management, dental care, and medication in the case of disease must be optimized. Particular attention should be paid to possible mycotoxin contamination. Effective toxin risk management, which consists of analysis, risk evaluation, and adequate toxin risk-managing products, should be implemented.

Mycotoxins in poultry – External signs can give a hint

Part 2: Beak/mouth lesions

by Marisabel Caballero and Inge Heinzl, EW Nutrition

The second part of this series will focus on oral lesions as signs of mycotoxin exposure. In this segment, we will delve into the appearance and development of oral lesions, their specific locations based on the type of mycotoxin, and how toxin levels and duration of exposure impact these lesions.

A bit of history: oral lesions in poultry and their association with mycotoxin exposure

Exposure to trichothecenes, a specific group of mycotoxins that includes T-2 toxin and scirpenols- such as monoacetoxyscirpenol (MAS), diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), and triacetoxyscirpenol, has been associated with oral lesions since the early studies related with mycotoxins:

  • After reports of toxicosis in farm animals, Bamburg’s group (1968) aimed to isolate the toxins produced by Fusarium tricintum, then considered the most toxic fungus found in moldy corn in Wisconsin (USA). Their experiments led to the discovery of the T-2 toxin, named after the strain of F. tricintum from which it was isolated. Today, we know that this fungus was wrongly identified; it was F. sporotrichioides (Marasas et al., 1984). However, the toxin remained known as T-2.
  • Wyatt’s group (1972) already described yellowish-white lesions in the oral cavity of commercial broilers in a case report from 1972. The birds also presented lesions on the feet, shanks, and heads, which raised the possibility of contact with the toxin from the litter.
  • In some of the earliest experimental works regarding T-2 toxin in poultry, Christensen (1972) noted the development of oral necrosis in turkey poults consuming increasing levels of feed invaded by tricintum; also Wyatt (1972) found a linear increase in lesion size and severity with increasing toxin concentrations of T-2 in broilers, starting with 1 ppm. He noted that oral lesions occurred without exception in all birds receiving T-2 toxin.
  • Later, Chi and co-workers (1977) tested what later were considered sub-acute levels of T-2 in broiler chickens, finding oral lesions from 0.4 ppm after 5 to 6 weeks of exposure. At higher levels, the lesions appeared after two weeks. In the same year, Speers’ group (1977) concluded that adult laying hens are more tolerant to T-2 than young chicks and also found that another mycotoxin can produce oral lesions in poultry: monoacetoxyscirpenol (MAS).
  • Fast forward, scientific research continued and the effects of T-2 and scirpenols, either alone or in combinations, on performance and oral lesions in poultry are today well known, as studied by Kubena et al. (1989), Ademoyero & Hamilton (1991), Kubena et al. (1994), Diaz et al. (1994), Brake et al. (2000), Schuhmacher-Wolz et al. (2010), Verma & Swamy (2015), Vaccari (2017), and reviewed by Sokolovic et al. (2008), Minafra et al. (2018), Puvača & Ljubojević Pelić (2023), and Vörösházi et al. (2024).

What are oral lesions and how do they develop?


Oral lesions caused by feed contaminated by T-2 toxin or scirpenols first occur as yellow plaques that develop into raised yellowish-gray crusts with covered ulcers (Hoerr et al., 1982). They also have been described as white in color and sometimes caseous in nature, as well as round and small, pin-point-sized, or large sheets covering a wider part of the mouth (Wyatt et al., 1972; Ademoyero and Hamilton, 1991).

Under the microscope, the lesions show a fibrinous surface layer and intermediate layers with invaginations full of rods and cocci, suggesting that the surrounding microbiota quickly colonizes the lesion. Inflammation immediately ensues as Wyatt’s team (1972) found the underlying tissues filled with granular leukocytes.

Why do T-2 toxins and other trichothecenes cause such lesions?

T-2 toxin and other trichothecenes are known for their caustic nature (evidenced by studies of Chi and Mirocha, 1978; Marasas et al., 1969), and for incidents involving accidental exposure by laboratory personnel (Bamburg et al., 1968, cited in Wyatt et al., 1972).

Induction of necrosis has been proposed as the main toxicity effect based on in vitro experiments on human skin fibroblast models. The findings were a reduction of ATP production in the cell line together with disruption of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) but without an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) or activity of caspase-3 and caspase-7, which would be the case for apoptosis (Janik-Karpinsa et al., 2022). A further study (Janik-Karpinsa et al., 2023) found that T-2, on the same cell line, reduced the number of mtDNA copies, damaging several genes and hindering its function; consequently, ATP production is inhibited, and cell necrosis ensues.

Meanwhile, an inflammatory response is triggered, and the lesions are colonized by the surrounding microbial flora (Wyatt et al., 1972). Supporting this notion, Hoerr et al. (1981) observed no mouth lesions after directly administering toxins via crop gavage. Enterohepatic recirculation, facilitating the return of toxins to the oral cavity through saliva, can amplify their toxic effects (Leeson et al., 1995).

Oral lesions depend on…

…the toxin

Oral lesions vary depending on the type of toxin involved. The location of lesions is influenced by the specific mycotoxin in the feed. For instance, research by Wyatt et al. (1972) revealed that with T-2 toxin, lesions initially manifest on the hard palate and along the tongue’s margins. Over two weeks, these lesions progress to affect the lingual papillae at the tongue’s root, the underside of the tongue, and the inner side of the lower beak near the midline.

In contrast, Ademoyero and Hamilton (1991) found that scirpenols present a different pattern. A study including 4 mycotoxins at 5 different levels found, after three weeks of exposure, that the lesions caused by triacetoxyscirpenol (TAS) predominantly occurred in the angles of the mouth (53% of the birds in the study), sparing the tongue. On the other hand, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) primarily induces lesions inside the upper beak (shown 47% of the broilers), followed by the inside of the lower beak (in 32% of the birds). The lesion distribution for scirpentriol mirrors that of TAS, while monoacetoxyscirpenol (MAS) resembles DAS in its impact.

Chi and Mirocha (1978) conducted a comparative analysis of lesions caused by T-2 toxin and DAS (both 5 ppm). They observed that the severity of DAS-induced lesions was higher, leading to difficulties in mouth closure for some chicks due to encrustations in the mouth angles.

…the contamination level

Different findings regarding the dose dependency of the lesions are available. Wyatt et al. (1972) (Figure 1) showed a relationship between the lesion size and the toxin level. A clear relationship between the severity and incidence of lesions and the amount of T-2 toxin was also demonstrated by Chi et al. (1977) and Speers et al. (1976). This linear relationship in the case of T-2 toxin could be confirmed for the scirpenols TAS, STO, MAS, and DAS by Ademoyero and Hamilton (1991). They demonstrated a distinct dose-response relationship in a trial with the scirpenols STO, TAS (at 5 levels between 0-8 µg/g), MAS, and DAS (at 5 levels between 0-4 µg/g).

Figure 1: Effect of the inclusion rate of T-2 on the lesion size (Wyatt et al., 1972)
Figure 1: Effect of the inclusion rate of T-2 on the lesion size (Wyatt et al., 1972)


Sklan et al. (2001) tested T-2 toxin at more likely levels (0, 110, 530, and 1,050 ppb) in male chickens and found lesions in 90% of the chickens fed 500 ppb T-2 and in 100% of the ones fed 1,000 ppb of T-2 after 10 to 15 days; the higher dosage provoked the lesions of higher severity. When feeding 100 ppb of T-2, mild lesions appeared in 40% of the chickens after 25 and 35 days. Another group led by Sklan (2003) studied four groups of 12 one-day-old male turkey poults fed mash diets with 0 (control), 241, 485, or 982 ppb T-2 toxin for 32/33 days. Feed intake and feed efficiency were not affected, but oral lesions were apparent on day 7. The severity of the lesions plateaued after 7–15 days, and the lesion score was dose-related (see Figure 2). In the same trial, they also tested DAS (0, 223, 429, or 860 ppb) and found a similar dose relationship.

FigureFigure 2: Lesion scores in poults fed T-2 toxin at different inclusion rates and lengths of exposure (Sklan et al., 2003)

A different result is found in the trial conducted by Hoerr et al. (1982), who observed lesions 2-4 days after initiating toxin exposure (T-2 toxin and DAS; 4 and 16 ppm for 21 days) and comparable lesions when feeding 50, 100, or 300 ppm of the same toxins for 7 days. They asserted that the toxin concentration did not influence the time to onset of lesions nor their severity. Most research, however, shows a clear dose-response relation.

…the duration of exposure

On one hand, chronic exposure to low levels of toxins often requires a specific duration before noticeable effects emerge. And on the other hand, symptoms may also diminish due to hormesis, an adaptive response of the organism to moderate, intermittent stress.

With high toxin levels, lesions appear very soon after exposure. For example, Diaz et al. (1994) exposed hens to a diet containing 2 mg DAS/kg feed, finding lesions in 40% of the birds after only 48 h of exposure. Chi and Mirocha (1978) noted lesions after five days with a T-2 level of 5 ppm. At a comparable level (4 ppm), Chi et al. (1977) reported lesions emerging in the second week of exposure, with nearly 75% of chicks experiencing oral lesions by the third week. Sklan et al. (2003) saw lesions already on day 7 when feeding T-2 toxin or DAS at 1 ppm.

When testing lower levels (200 ppb), Sklan et al. (2001) found lesions after 10 days. They became more severe after 15 to 20 days and then, their severity decreased. Hoerr et al. (1982) also confirmed this by reporting that the number and size of the lesions increased until day 14 but decreased thereafter. Both studies confirm the phenomenon of hormesis.

… animal factors

In general, lesions appear with lower levels of toxins in broilers compared with layers and in layers compared with breeders. Turkeys are also less sensitive than broilers (Puvača & Ljubojević Pelić (2023).

Age also has an influence: young birds usually still have a maturing immune system, and the detoxification processes might not be entirely in place. However, their feed intake is lower and for this reason, in studies like Wang and Hogan (2019), higher impact of mycotoxins is found in older chicks.

Furthermore, additional stress factors influence the impact of mycotoxins in animals. Stress factors are cumulative and, when different factors concur, the severity of mycotoxin effects can increase.

Are oral lesions key indicators for implementing effective toxin risk management?

Oral lesions are painful for the animals, distract them from eating, and deteriorate growth performance. Often they are related with mycotoxins; however, when they appear, an investigation of different factors should take place, including mycotoxin analysis, as oral lesions may have other causes. Some of the known causes of oral lesions in poultry are also very fine feed particle size, deficiency of Vitamins A, E, B6 and Biotin, excessive levels of copper sulphate, and some parasite infections.

This article aimed to help with the differential diagnosis by providing a summary of the knowledge we have about the type and shape of the lesions related to mycotoxin contamination, which can help on a differential diagnosis. Checking the feed for mycotoxins and implementing effective toxin management helps prevent their negative effects, keeps the animals healthy, and contributes to animal welfare and, consequently, performance.



Ademoyero, Adedamola A., and Pat B. Hamilton. “Mouth Lesions in Broiler Chickens Caused by Scirpenol Mycotoxins.” Poultry Science 70, no. 10 (October 1991): 2082–89.

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Mycotoxins in poultry – External signs can give a hint

Part 1: Impact on Feathering

By Dr. Inge Heinzl, Editor, and Marisabel Caballero, Global Technical Manager, EW Nutrition


Mycotoxins are known to decrease health and performance in poultry production. Their modes of action, such as reducing protein synthesis and promoting oxidative stress and apoptosis, lead to cell destruction and lower cell replacement, affecting several organs and tissues.

When different stress factors collude, such as high temperatures and humidity, poor ventilation, high stocking density, and management events, the effects of in-feed mycotoxins can reach a higher level, which may include external signs.

The most common and recognized external sign of mycotoxicosis is mouth lesions caused by trichothecenes, which are highly associated with the presence of T-2 in the feed. However, other signs may appear, such as paleness of combs, shanks, and feet, as well as leg problems, ruffled feathers and poor feather coverage, feed passage, and abnormal feces.

In a series of articles, we want to report on external signs facilitating a differential diagnosis of mycotoxin contamination. This is necessarily followed by feed or raw material mycotoxin analysis and strategies to avoid or mitigate the effects of mycotoxin contamination in poultry production. In the first article, we will cover feathers.

A healthy plumage is crucial for growth and reproduction

Feathering is a crucial aspect of poultry health and productivity. Feathers are essential for thermoregulation, locomotion, adequate skin protection, and reproductive success, protecting hens from injury during mating. Inadequate feathering can lead to lower feed efficiency (Leeson and Walsh, 2004) as well as loss in fertility and chick production (Fisher, 2016). Mycotoxins in poultry feed can compromise feather quality in poultry production animals. This first article delves into the relationship between mycotoxins and poor feathering, exploring different mycotoxins and their mechanisms of action.

In which way do mycotoxins compromise feathering?

On the one hand, chronic mycotoxin exposure impairs the digestive process, hindering the absorption and utilization of vital nutrients essential for feather growth. This disruption can lead to malnutrition, directly impacting the quality and health of feathers. On the other hand, mycotoxins also interfere with metabolic processes critical for feather development, such as keratin synthesis (Wyatt et al., 1975;  Nguansangiam, 2004). Enzymatic pathways involved in synthesizing keratin, the protein building block of feathers, are particularly vulnerable to mycotoxin-induced disruptions. The presence of mycotoxins in feed has been associated with the manifestation of sparse feathering and the sticking out of feathers at an unnatural angle (Emous and Krimpen, 2019). In the case of multiple mycotoxins occurring in the feed, even at singularly unimportant concentrations, a negative impact on feathering is possible. Different mycotoxins have different target organs and consequences for the animal, so their ways of compromising feathering also vary. As feathering needs protein availability, all mycotoxins affecting the protein metabolism or the absorption of nutrients also impact the feathering process. Let us look at the most prominent mycotoxins.

1.   T-2 toxin

Due to climate change, T-2 toxins are on the rise. In the US, more than 50% of the tested samples contained T-2 toxin; in Europe, we found it in 31%, and in China, in 82% of the samples (EW Nutrition, 2024). The highest level was found in Europe, with 850 ppb.

Adverse effects of T-2 toxin in goslings were shown by Gu et al. (2023), who exposed the animals to 6 different levels of T-2 toxin, from 0.2 to 2.0 mg T-2 toxin/kg of feed. The goslings showed a sparse covering with short, dry, rough, curly, and gloss-free feathers on their back with dosages ≥0.8 mg/kg. When zooming on, T-2 can cause necroses of the layer of regenerative cells in the feather base, implying malformation or absence of new feathers, as well as structural damage to existing feathers on the base of the ramus and barb ridges (Hoerr et al. (1982), Leeson et al. (1995)).

The effects in feather regenerative cells are dose-dependent, as confirmed by Hoerr et al. (1982), who applied different doses of T-2 toxin (1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 mg/kg body weight/day) to 7-day-old broilers for 14 days. Delayed feather development, especially at high dosages, was noticed, as well as malformations and opaque bands in the feathers, the latter probably caused by a segmental reduction in diameter.

Manafi et al. (2015) noticed feather malformations when broiler chickens were challenged with 0.5 ppm T-2 toxin in the feed in combination with an inoculation of 2.4×108 cfu Mycoplasma gallisepticum. When the chickens were challenged only with T-2 toxin, the feathers were ruffled, showing that a coincidence of stress factors even aggravates the symptoms.

2.   Aflatoxins

Aflatoxins, produced by certain Aspergillus species, are among the most notorious mycotoxins. Looking at test results of the last year, Aflatoxin shows incidences between 25 (USA) over 40-65% (Europe, LATAM, MEA, and SEAP) up to 84-88% (China and South Asia) with average levels up to 42 ppb in South Asia (EW Nutrition, 2023). However, more information about the concrete impact of aflatoxins on feathering is needed. They may indirectly affect feathering because they impact digestion and the utilization of nutrients or trace minerals such as zinc, which is essential for the feather construction process. Damage to the liver impacts protein metabolism, and keratin is also necessary for feather production.

In other studies, Muhammad et al. (2017) fed 5 mg AFB1/kg to Arbor Acres broilers, and the birds showed ruffled feathers. A significantly lower feather shine was noticed by Saleemi et al. (2020) when they gave the animals 300 μg AFB1/kg of feed, and the birds of Zafar et al. (2017) showed ruffled, broken, dull, and dirty feathers after six weeks of feeding an aflatoxin-contaminated diet.

3.   Ochratoxin

Ochratoxins, commonly produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium fungi, also pose a significant threat to poultry. When looking at the mycotoxin report, this mycotoxin was found in 16% (Europe) to 70% (SEAP) of the samples (EW Nutrition, 2023). Ochratoxins primarily affect feathering by compromising the structural integrity of feathers and causing delayed feathering in broilers (Leeson, 2021).

Several trials have shown the negative impact of ochratoxin on feather quality. Hassan et al. (2010) fed OTA to laying hens and saw a dose-dependent (dosages from 0 to 10 mg/kg feed) occurrence of ruffled and broken feathers in the OTA group, whereas the plumage of the control group was shiny and well-formed. Hameed et al. (2012) also realized dull feathers when feeding 0.4 and 0.8 mg OTA per kg of feed. A further dose-dependent decrease in feather quality was described by Khan et al. (2023) in broiler chicks. He injected them with dosages from 0.1 to 1.7 mg/kg body weight on day 5 of age and saw a deterioration of feather appearance (rippled feathers) in the groups with the higher dosages of 1.3 and 1.7 mg/kg. Abidin et al. (2016) observed a similar dose-dependent deterioration of the feather quality in white Leghorn cockerels when feeding 1 or 2mg OTA/kg feed.

Combinations of aflatoxins and ochratoxins were also tested. Khan et al. (2017) fed moldy feed naturally containing 56 µg OTA and 136 µg AFB1 per kg to layer hens and saw a deterioration of feather quality with increasing feeding time. Qubih (2017) noticed ruffled feathers when feeding a diet naturally contaminated with 800 ppb of OTA and 100 ppb of AFB1.

4.   Scirpenol mycotoxins

Parkhurst et al. (1992) examined the effects of different scirpenol mycotoxins. After feeding graded levels of fusarium mycotoxins to broiler chicks until three weeks of age, they discovered that the impact of scirpenols stretched across the entire feathered body parts and that the degree of feather alteration is dose-dependent. The main alteration was a frayed or even missing web on the medial side of the outer end of the feather due to poor development of the barbs, barbules, and barbicels, and the tip of the feathers became square instead of rounded—the thinner and weaker shafts of the feathers inclined to show an accentuated medial curve.

Figure Feathering Affected By Scirpenol MycotoxinsParkhurst et al. (1992)

Figure 1: Feathering affected by scirpenol mycotoxins

In their trial, Parkhurst and Hamilton realized that 15-monoacetoxyscirpenol (15-MAS) caused the most severe alterations of feathers, and they determined a minimum effective dose (MED) of 0.5 µg/g diet. The MEDs for 4,15-diacetoxyscirpenol (4,15-DAS) and 3,4,15-triacetoxyscirpenol (TAS) were higher, 2 µg/g and > 8 µg/g, respectively.

How can we enable adequate feathering in poultry?

Adequate feathering of poultry is necessary for the animal’s health and welfare and to ensure fertility and productivity. The occurrence of mycotoxins in the feed – and the probability is high! – can cause poor feathering or the development of malformed feathers.

To best equip broilers, layers, and breeders, their feed must contain all nutrients essential for healthy growth and appropriate feathering. As the risk of contamination of the feed materials is very high (see EW Nutrition’s mycotoxin report 2023), it is of crucial importance to have an efficient mycotoxin risk management in place, which includes sampling, analysis of samples, and the use of mycotoxin binders. EW Nutrition offers MasterRisk, an online tool where farmers and feed millers can feed the results of their feed analysis concerning mycotoxins and get a risk management recommendation.

In the next part of the series, we will report on beak lesions and skin paleness, two other external signs of mycotoxin contamination.


Abidin, Zain ul, Muhammad Zargham Khan, Aisha Khatoon, Muhammad Kashif Saleemi, and Ahrar Khan. “Protective Effects Ofl-Carnitine upon Toxicopathological Alterations Induced by Ochratoxin A in White Leghorn Cockerels.” Toxin Reviews 35, no. 3–4 (August 22, 2016): 157–64.

Emous, R. A., and M. M. Krimpen. “Effects of Nutritional Interventions on Feathering of Poultry – a Review.” Poultry Feathers and Skin: The Poultry Integument in Health and Welfare, 2019, 133–50.

Fisher, Colin. “Feathering in Broiler Breeder Females – Aviagen.”, 2016.

Gu, Wang, Qiang Bao, Kaiqi Weng, Jinlu Liu, Shuwen Luo, Jianzhou Chen, Zheng Li, et al. “Effects of T-2 Toxin on Growth Performance, Feather Quality, Tibia Development and Blood Parameters in Yangzhou Goslings.” Poultry Science 102, no. 2 (February 2023): 102382.

Hameed, Muhammad  Raza, Muhammad Khan, Ahrar Khan, and Ijaz Javed. “Ochratoxin Induced Pathological Alterations in Broiler Chicks: Effect of Dose and Duration.” Pakistan Veterinary Journal Pakistan Veterinary Journal 8318, no. 2 (December 2012): 2074–7764.

Hassan, Zahoor-Ul, M. Zargham Khan, Ahrar Khan, and Ijaz Javed. “Pathological Responses of White Leghorn Breeder Hens Kept on Ochratoxin A Contaminated Feed.” Pakistan Veterinary Journal 30, no. 2 (2010): 118–23.

Hoerr, F. J., W. W. Carlton, and B. Yagen. “Mycotoxicosis Caused by a Single Dose of T-2 Toxin or Diacetoxyscirpenol in Broiler Chickens.” Veterinary Pathology 18, no. 5 (September 1981): 652–64.

Hoerr, F.J., W.W. Carlton, B. Yagen, and A.Z. Joffe. “Mycotoxicosis Produced in Broiler Chickens by Multiple Doses of Either T‐2 Toxin or Diacetoxyscirpenol.” Avian Pathology 11, no. 3 (January 1982): 369–83.

Khan, Ahrar, Muhammad Mustjab Aalim, M. Zargham Khan, M. Kashif Saleemi, Cheng He, M. Noman Naseem, and Aisha Khatoon. “Does Distillery Yeast Sludge Ameliorate Moldy Feed Toxic Effects in White Leghorn Hens?” Toxin Reviews, January 25, 2017, 1–8.

Khan, Shahzad Akbar, Eiko N. Itano, Anum Urooj, and Kashif Awan. “Ochratoxin-a Induced Pathological Changes in Broiler Chicks.” Pure and Applied Biology 12, no. 4 (December 10, 2023): 1608–16.

Leeson, S., and T. Walsh. “Feathering in Commercial Poultry II. Factors Influencing Feather Growth and Feather Loss.” World’s Poultry Science Journal 60, no. 1 (March 1, 2004): 52–63.

Leeson, Steve. “Effects of Nutrition on Feathering.” Poultry World, May 22, 2021.

Leeson, Steven, Gonzalo J. Diaz Gonzalez, and John D. Summers. Poultry metabolic disorders and Mycotoxins. Guelph, Ontario, Canada: University Books, 1995.

Manafi, M., N. Pirany, M. Noor Ali, M. Hedayati, S. Khalaji, and M. Yari. “Experimental Pathology of T-2 Toxicosis and Mycoplasma Infection on Performance and Hepatic Functions of Broiler Chickens.” Poultry Science 94, no. 7 (July 2015): 1483–92.

Muhammad, Ishfaq, Xiaoqi Sun, He Wang, Wei Li, Xinghe Wang, Ping Cheng, Sihong Li, Xiuying Zhang, and Sattar Hamid. “Curcumin Successfully Inhibited the Computationally Identified CYP2A6 Enzyme-Mediated Bioactivation of Aflatoxin B1 in Arbor Acres Broiler.” Frontiers in Pharmacology 8 (March 21, 2017).

Nguansangiam, Sudarat, Subhkij Angsubhakorn, Sutatip Bhamarapravati, and Apichart Suksamrarn. The Southeast Asian J of Tropical Medicine 34, no. 4 (2004): 899–905.

Parkhurst, Carmen R., Pat B. HamiltonON, and Adedamola A. AdemoyeroERO. “Abnormal Feathering of Chicks Caused by Scirpenol Mycotoxins Differing in Degree of Acetylation.” Poultry Science 71, no. 5 (May 1992): 833–37.

Qubih, T. S. “Relationship between Mycotoxicosis and Calcium during Preproduction Period in Layers.” Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences 26, no. 1 (June 28, 2012): 11–14.

Saleemi, M. Kashif, Kamran Ashraf, S. Tehseen Gul, M. Noman Naseem, M. Sohail Sajid, Mashkoor Mohsin, Cheng He, Muhammad Zubair, and Ahrar Khan. “Toxicopathological Effects of Feeding Aflatoxins B1 in Broilers and Its Amelioration with Indigenous Mycotoxin Binder.” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 187 (January 2020): 109712.

Wyatt, R.D., P.B. Hamilton, and H.R. Burmeister. “Altered Feathering of Chicks Caused by T-2 Toxin.” Poultry Science 54, no. 4 (July 1975): 1042–45.

Zafar, Roheena, Farhat Ali Khan, and Muhammad Zahoor. “In Vivo Amelioration of Aflatoxin B1 in Broiler Chicks by Magnetic Carbon Nanocomposite.” Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37, no. 11 (November 2017): 1213–19.×2017001100005.


Masked mycotoxins – particularly dangerous for dairy cows

By Si-Trung Tran, SEAP Regional Technical Manager, EW Nutrition

Marisabel Caballero, Global Technical Manager Poultry, EW Nutrition, and
Inge Heinzl, Editor, EW Nutrition

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of fungi, commonly found as contaminants in agricultural products. In some cases, these compounds are used in medicine or industry, such as penicillin and patulin. In most cases, however, they are considered xenobiotics that are toxic to animals and humans, causing the disease collectively known as mycotoxicosis. The adverse effects of mycotoxins on human and animal health have been documented in many publications. Aflatoxins (AFs) and deoxynivalenol (DON, vomitoxin) are amongst the most critical mycotoxins affecting milk production and -quality.

Aflatoxins do not only affect cows

Aflatoxins (AFs) are highly oxygenated, heterocyclic difuranocoumarin compounds produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. They colonize crops, including many staple foods and feed ingredients. Within a group of over 20 AFs and derivatives, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), B2, G1, and G2 are the most important naturally occurring compounds.

Among the aflatoxins, AFB1 is the most widespread and most toxic to humans and animals. Concern about mycotoxin contamination in dairy products began in the 1960s with the first reported cases of contamination by aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), a metabolite of AFB1 formed in the liver of animals and excreted in the milk.

There is ample evidence that lactating cows exhibit a significant reduction in feed efficiency and milk yield within a few days of consuming aflatoxin-contaminated feed. At the cellular level, aflatoxins cause degranulation of endoplasmic membranes, loss of ribosomes from the endoplasmic reticulum, loss of nuclear chromatin material, and altered nuclear shapes. The liver, as the organ mainly dealing with the decontamination of the organism, gets damaged, and performance drops. Immune cells are also affected, reducing immune competence and vaccination success (Arnold and Gaskill, 2023).

DON reduces cows’ performance

Another mycotoxin that can also reduce milk quality and affect metabolic parameters, as well as the immune function of dairy cows, is DON. DON is produced by different fungi of the Fusarium genus that infect plants. DON synthesis is associated with rainy weather from crop flowering to harvest. Whitlow and co-workers (1994) reported the association between DON and poor performance in dairy herds and showed decreased milk production in dairy cows fed 2.5 mg DON/kg. However, in cows fed 6 to 12 mg DON/kg dry matter for 10 weeks, no DON or its metabolite DOM-1 residues were detected in milk.

Masked mycotoxins hide themselves during analysis

Plants suffering from fungal infestations and thus confronted with mycotoxins convert the harmful forms of mycotoxins into less harmful or harmless ones for themselves by conjugation to sulfates, organic acids, or sugars. Conjugated mycotoxins cannot always be detected by standard analytical methods. However, in animals, these forms can be released and transformed into parent compounds by enzymes and microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the feed may show a concentration of mycotoxins that is still below the limit value, but in the animal, this concentration is suddenly much higher. In dairy cows, the release of free mycotoxins from conjugates during digestion may play an important role in understanding the silent effects of mycotoxins.

Fusarium toxins, in particular, frequently occur in this “masked form”. They represent a serious health risk for animals and humans.

Aflatoxins first show up in the milk

Masked aflatoxins may also play a role in total aflatoxin contamination of feed materials. Research has harvested little information on masked aflatoxins that may be present in TMR ingredients. So far, metabolites such as Aflatoxin M2 have been identified (Righetti, 2021), which may reappear later in milk as AFM1.

DON-related symptoms without DON?

Sometimes, animals show DON-related symptoms, with low levels detected in the feed or raw materials. Besides sampling errors, this enigma could be due to conjugated or masked DON, which is structurally altered DON bound to various compounds such as glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids. These compounds escape conventional feed analysis techniques because of their modified chemical properties but can be released as their toxic precursors after acid hydrolysis.

Masked DON was first described in 1984 by Young and co-workers, who found that the DON content of yeast-fermented foods was higher than that of the contaminated wheat flour used in their production. The most plausible reason for this apparent increase was that the toxin from the wheat had been converted to a compound other than DON, which could be converted back to DON under certain conditions. Since this report, there has been much interest in conjugated or masked DON.

Silage: masked DON is a challenge for dairy producers

Silage is an essential feed for dairy cows, supporting milk production. Most silage is made from corn and other grains. The whole green plant is used, which can be infected by fungi. Since infection of corn with Fusarium spp. and subsequent DON contamination is usually a major problem in the field worldwide, a relatively high occurrence of this toxin in silage must be expected. The ensiling process may reduce the amount of Fusarium fungi, but the DON formed before ensiling is very stable.

Corn Silage

Silage samples show DON levels of concern

It is reasonable to assume that the DON biosynthesized by the fungi was metabolized by the plants to a new compound and thus masked DON. Under ensiling conditions, masked DON can be hydrolyzed, producing free DON again. Therefore, the level of free DON in the silage may not reflect the concentration measured in the plants before ensiling.

A study analyzed 50 silage samples from different farms in Ontario, Canada. Free DON was found in all samples, with levels ranging from 0.38 to 1.72 µg/g silage (unpublished data). Eighty-six percent of the samples contained DON at concentrations higher than 0.5 µg/g. Together with masked DON, it poses a potential threat to dairy cattle.

Specific hydrolysis conditions allow detection

However, in the natural ensiling process, the conditions for hydrolysis of masked DON are not optimal. The conditions that allow improved analysis of masked DON were recently described. This method detected masked DON in 32 of 50 silage samples (64%) along with free DON, increasing DON concentration by 23% in some cases (unpublished data).

Mycotoxins impact humans and animals

Aflatoxins, as well as DON, have adverse effects. In the case of DON, the impact on the animal is significant; in the case of aflatoxin, the possible long-term effects on humans are of higher relevance.

DON has more adverse effects on the animal and its performance

Unlike AFs, DON may be found in milk at low or trace concentrations. It is more associated with negative effects in the animal, altered rumen fermentation, and reduced flow of usable protein into the duodenum. For example, milk fat content was significantly reduced when cows were fed 6 µg DON/kg. However, the presence of DON also indicates that the feed probably contains other mycotoxins, such as zearalenone (ZEA) (estrogenic mycotoxin) and fusaric acid (pharmacologically active compound). All these mycotoxins may interact to cause symptoms that are different or more severe than expected, considering their individual effects. DON and related compounds also have immunosuppressive effects, resulting in increased somatic cell counts in milk. The U.S. FDA has established an action level for DON in wheat and wheat-derived products intended for cows, which is 5µg DON/g feed and the contaminated ingredient must not exceed 40% of the ration.

Aflatoxins decrease milk quality and pose a risk to humans

Aflatoxins are poorly degraded in the rumen, with aflatoxicol being the main metabolite that can be reconverted to AFB1. Most AFs are absorbed and extensively metabolized/hydrolyzed by enzymes found mainly in the liver. This results in the formation of AFM1, a part of which is conjugated to glucuronic acid and subsequently excreted in the bile. The other part enters the systemic circulation. It is either excreted in urine or milk. AFM1 appears within 12-48 hours after ingestion in cow’s milk. The excreted amount of AFM1 in milk from dairy cows usually ranges from 0.17% to 3% of the ingested AFB1. However, this carryover rate may vary from day to day and from one milking to the next in individual animals, as it is influenced by various factors, such as feeding regime, health status, individual biotransformation capacity, and, of course, by actual milk production. Carryover rates of up to 6.2% have been reported in high-yielding dairy cows producing up to 40 liters of milk per day.

In various experiments, AFM1 showed both carcinogenic and immunosuppressive effects. Accordingly, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified AFM1 as being in Group 2B and, thus, possibly carcinogenic in humans. The action level of 0.50 ppb and 0.05 ppb for AFM1 in milk is strictly adhered to by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), respectively.

Trials show the high adsorption capacity of Solis Max

A trial was conducted at an independent laboratory located in Spain. The evaluation of the performance of Solis Max was executed with the following inclusion levels:

  • 0.10% equivalent to 1.0 kg of Solis Max per ton of feed
  • 0.20% equivalent to 2.0 kg of Solis Max per ton of feed

A phosphate buffer solution at pH 7 was prepared for the trial to simulate rumen conditions. Each mycotoxin was tested separately, preparing solutions with known contamination (final concentration described in the table below). The contaminated solutions were divided into 3 parts: A positive control, 0.10% Solis Max and 0.20% Solis Max. All samples were incubated at 41°C for 1 hour, centrifuged, and the supernatant was analyzed for the mycotoxin added to determine the binding efficacy. All analyses were carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with standard detectors.

Mycotoxin Contamination Level (ppb)
Aflatoxin B1 800
DON 800
Fumonisin B1 2000
ZEA 1200

The higher concentration of Solis max showed a higher adsorption rate for most mycotoxins. The high dose of Solis Max adsorbed 99% of the AFB1 contamination. In the case of DON, more than 70% was bound. For fumonisin B1 and zearalenone, Solis max showed excellent binding rates of 87.7% and 78.9%, respectively (Figure 1).

FigureFigure 1: Solis Max showed a high binding capacity for the most relevant mycotoxins

Another trial was conducted at an independent laboratory serving the food and feed industry and located in Valladolid, Spain.

All tests were carried out as duplicates and using a standard liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) quantification. Interpretation and data analysis were carried out with the corresponding software. The used pH was 3.0, toxin concentrations and anti-mycotoxin agent application rates were set as follows (Table 1):

TableTable 1: Trial set-up testing the binding capacity of Solis Plus 2.0 for several mycotoxins in different contamination levels


Under acidic conditions (pH3), Solis Plus 2.0 effectively adsorbs the three tested mycotoxins at low and high levels. 100% binding of aflatoxin was achieved at a level of 150ppb and 98% at 1500ppb.In the case of fumonisin, 87% adsorption could be reached at 500ppb and 86 for a challenge with 5000ppb. 43% ochratoxin was adsorbed at the contamination level of 150ppb and 52% at 1500ppb.

FigureFigure 2: The adsorption capacity of Solis Plus 2.0 for three different mycotoxins at two challenge levels

Mycotoxins – Effective risk management is of paramount importance

Although the rumen microflora may be responsible for conferring some mycotoxin resistance to ruminants compared to monogastric animals, there are still effects of mycotoxins on rumen fermentation and milk quality. In addition, masked mycotoxins in feed present an additional challenge for dairy farms because they are not readily detectable by standard analyses.

Feeding dairy cows with feed contaminated with mycotoxins can lead to a reduction in milk production. Milk quality may also deteriorate due to an adverse change in milk composition and mycotoxin residues, threatening the innocuousness of dairy products. Dairy farmers should therefore have feed tested regularly, consider masked mycotoxins, and take action. EW Nutrition’s MasterRisk tool provides a risk evaluation and corresponding recommendations for the use of products that mitigate the effects of mycotoxin contamination and, in the end, guarantee the safety of all of us.


Toxin Mitigation 101: Essentials for Animal Production

By Monish Raj, Assistant Manager-Technical Services, EW Nutrition
Inge Heinzl, Editor, EW Nutrition  

Mycotoxins, toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi, are a constant and severe threat to animal production. They can contaminate grains used for animal feed and are highly stable, invisible, and resistant to high temperatures and normal feed manufacturing processes. Mycotoxin-producing fungi can be found during plant growth and in stored grains; the prevalence of fungi species depends on environmental conditions, though in grains, we find mainly three genera: Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium. The most critical mycotoxins for poultry production and the fungi that produce them are detailed in Fig 1.

FigureFigure 1: Fungi species and their mycotoxins of worldwide importance for poultry production (adapted from Bryden, 2012).

The effects of mycotoxins on the animal are manifold

When, usually, more than one mycotoxin enters the animal, they “cooperate” with each other, which means that they combine their effects in different ways. Also, not all mycotoxins have the same targets.

The synergistic effect: When 1+1 ≥3

Even at low concentrations, mycotoxins can display synergistic effects, which means that the toxicological consequences of two or more mycotoxins present in the same sample will be higher than the sum of the toxicological effects of the individual mycotoxins. So, disregarded mycotoxins can suddenly get important due to their additive or synergistic effect.

Table 1: Synergistic effects of mycotoxins in poultry

Synergistic interactions
FUM * * *
NIV * * *
AFL * *

Table 2: Additive effects of mycotoxins in poultry

Additive interactions
FUM + + + +
DON + +
OTA + +

Recognize the effects of mycotoxins in animals is not easy

The mode of action of mycotoxins in animals is complex and has many implications. Research so far could identify the main target organs and effects of high levels of individual mycotoxins. However, the impact of low contamination levels and interactions are not entirely understood, as they are subtle, and their identification requires diverse analytical methods and closer observation.

With regard to the gastrointestinal tract, mycotoxins can inhibit the absorption of nutrients vital for maintaining health, growth, productivity, and reproduction. The nutrients affected include amino acids, lipid-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K), and minerals, especially Ca and P (Devegowda and Murthy, 2005). As a result of improper absorption of nutrients, egg production, eggshell formation, fertility, and hatchability are also negatively influenced.

Most mycotoxins also have a negative impact on the immune system, causing a higher susceptibility to disease and compromising the success of vaccinations. Besides that, organs like kidneys, the liver, and lungs, but also reproduction, endocrine, and nervous systems get battered.

Mycotoxins have specific targets

Aflatoxins, fumonisins, and ochratoxin impair the liver and thus the physiological processes modulated and performed by it:

  • lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and storage
  • synthesis of functional proteins such as hormones, enzymes, and nutrient transporters
  • metabolism of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

For trichothecenes, the gastrointestinal tract is the main target. There, they hamper digestion, absorption, and intestinal integrity. T-2 can even produce necrosis in the oral cavity and esophagus.

Figure Main Targets Of Important MycotoxinsFigure 2: Main target organs of important mycotoxins

How to reduce mycotoxicosis?

There are two main paths of action, depending on whether you are placed along the crop production, feed production, or animal production cycle. Essentially, you can either prevent the formation of mycotoxins on the plant on the field during harvest and storage or, if placed at a further point along the chain, mitigate their impact.

Preventing mycotoxin production means preventing mold growth

To minimize the production of mycotoxins, the development of molds must be inhibited already during the cultivation of the plants and later on throughout storage. For this purpose, different measures can be taken:

Selection of the suitable crop variety, good practices, and optimal harvesting conditions are half of the battle

Already before and during the production of the grains, actions can be taken to minimize mold growth as far as possible:

  • Choose varieties of grain that are area-specific and resistant to insects and fungal attacks.
  • Practice crop rotation
  • Harvest proper and timely
  • Avoid damage to kernels by maintaining the proper condition of harvesting equipment.

Optimal moisture of the grains and the best hygienic conditions are essential

The next step is storage. Here too, try to provide the best conditions.

  • Dry properly: grains should be stored at <13% of moisture
  • Control moisture: minimize chances of moisture to increase due to condensation, and rain-water leakage
  • Biosecurity: clean the bins and silos routinely.
  • Prevent mold growth: organic acids can help prevent mold growth and increase storage life.

Mold production does not mean that the war is lost

Even if molds and, therefore, mycotoxins occur, there is still the possibility to change tack with several actions. There are measures to improve feed and support the animal when it has already ingested the contaminated feed.

1.    Feed can sometimes be decontaminated

If a high level of mycotoxin contamination is detected, removing, replacing, or diluting contaminated raw materials is possible. However, this is not very practical, economically costly, and not always very effective, as many molds cannot be seen. Also, heat treatment does not have the desired effect, as mycotoxins are highly heat stable.

2.    Effects of mycotoxins can be mitigated

Even when mycotoxins are already present in raw materials or finished feed, you still can act. Adding products adsorbing the mycotoxins or mitigating the effects of mycotoxins in the organism has been considered a highly-effective measure to protect the animals (Galvano et al., 2001).

This type of mycotoxin mitigation happens at the animal production stage and consists of suppressing or reducing the absorption of mycotoxins in the animal. Suppose the mycotoxins get absorbed in the animal to a certain degree. In that case, mycotoxin mitigation agents help by promoting the excretion of mycotoxins, modifying their mode of action, or reducing their effects. As toxin-mitigating agents, the following are very common:

Aluminosilicates: inorganic compounds widely found in nature that are the most common agents used to mitigate the impact of mycotoxins in animals. Their layered (phyllosilicates) or porous (tectosilicates) structure helps “trap” mycotoxins and adsorbs them.

  • Bentonite / Montmorillonite: classified as phyllosilicate, originated from volcanic ash. This absorbent clay is known to bind multiple toxins in vivo. Incidentally, its name derives from the Benton Shale in the USA, where large formations were discovered 150 years ago.
    Bentonite mainly consists of smectite minerals, especially montmorillonite (a layered silicate with a larger surface area and laminar structure).
  • Zeolites: porous crystalline tectosilicates, consisting of aluminum, oxygen, and silicon. They have a framework structure with channels that fit cations and small molecules. The name “zeolite” means “boiling stone” in Greek, alluding to the steam this type of mineral can give off in the heat). The large pores of this material help to trap toxins.

Activated charcoal: the charcoal is “activated” when heated at very high temperatures together with gas. Afterward, it is submitted to chemical processes to remove impurities and expand the surface area. This porous, powdered, non-soluble organic compound is sometimes used as a binder, including in cases of treating acute poisoning with certain substances.

Yeast cell wall: derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast cell walls are widely used as adsorbing agents. Esterified glucomannan polymer extracted from the yeast cell wall was shown to bind to aflatoxin, ochratoxin, and T-2 toxin, individually and combined (Raju and Devegowda 2000).

Bacteria: In some studies, Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), particularly Lactobacillus rhamnosus, were found to have the ability to reduce mycotoxin contamination.

Which characteristics are crucial for an effective toxin-mitigating solution

If you are looking for an effective solution to mitigate the adverse effects of mycotoxins, you should keep some essential requirements:

  1. The product must be safe to use:
    1. safe for the feed-mill workers.
    2. does not have any adverse effect on the animal
    3. does not leave residues in the animal
    4. does not bind with nutrients in the feed.
  2. It must show the following effects:
    1. effectively adsorbs the toxins relevant to your operation.
    2. helps the animals to cope with the consequences of non-bound toxins.
  3. It must be practical to use:
    1. cost-effective
    2. easy to store and add to the feed.

Depending on

  • the challenge (one mycotoxin or several, aflatoxin or another mycotoxin),
  • the animals (short-cycle or long-living animals), and
  • the economical resources that can be invested,

different solutions are available on the market. The more cost-effective solutions mainly contain clay to adsorb the toxins. Higher-in-price products often additionally contain substances such as phytogenics supporting the animal to cope with the consequences of non-bound mycotoxins.

Solis – the cost-effective solution

In the case of contamination with only aflatoxin, the cost-effective solution Solis is recommended. Solis consists of well-selected superior silicates with high surface area due to its layered structure. Solis shows high adsorption of aflatoxin B1, which was proven in a trial:

FigureFigure 3: Binding capacity of Solis for Aflatoxin

Even at a low inclusion rate, Solis effectively binds the tested mycotoxin at a very high rate of nearly 100%. It is a high-efficient, cost-effective solution for aflatoxin contamination.

Solis Max 2.0: The effective mycotoxin solution for sustainable profitability

Solis Max 2.0 has a synergistic combination of ingredients that acts by chemi- and physisorption to prevent toxic fungal metabolites from damaging the animal’s gastrointestinal tract and entering the bloodstream.


Figure 4: Composition and effects of Solis Max 2.0

Solis Max 2.0 is suitable for more complex challenges and longer-living animals: in addition to the pure mycotoxin adsorption, Solis Max 2.0 also effectively supports the liver and, thus, the animal in its fight against mycotoxins.

In an in vitro trial, the adsorption capacity of Solis Max 2.0 for the most relevant mycotoxins was tested. For the test, the concentrations of Solis Max 2.0 in the test solutions equated to 1kg/t and 2kg/t of feed.

FigureFigure 5: Efficacy of Solis Max 2.0 against different mycotoxins relevant in poultry production

The test showed a high adsorption capacity: between 80% and 90% for Aflatoxin B1, T-2 Toxin (2kg/t), and Fumonisin B1. For OTA, DON, and Zearalenone, adsorption rates between 40% and 80% could be achieved at both concentrations (Figure 5). This test demonstrated that Solis Max 2.0 could be considered a valuable tool to mitigate the effects of mycotoxins in poultry.

Broiler trial shows improved performance in broilers

Protected and, therefore, healthier animals can use their resources for growing/laying eggs. A trial showed improved liver health and performance in broilers challenged with two different mycotoxins but supported with Solis Max 2.0.

For the trial, 480 Ross-308 broilers were divided into three groups of 160 birds each. Each group was placed in 8 pens of 20 birds in a single house. Nutrition and management were the same for all groups. If the birds were challenged, they received feed contaminated with 30 ppb of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and 500 ppb of Ochratoxin Alpha (OTA).

Negative control: no challenge no mycotoxin-mitigating product
Challenged group: challenge no mycotoxin-mitigating product
Challenge + Solis Max 2.0 challenge Solis Max 2.0, 1kg/t

The body weight and FCR performance parameters were measured, as well as the blood parameters of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, both related to liver damage when increased.

Concerning performance as well as liver health, the trial showed partly even better results for the challenged group fed with Solis Max 2.0 than for the negative, unchallenged control (Figures 6 and 7):

  • 6% higher body weight than the negative control and 18.5% higher body weight than the challenged group
  • 12 points and 49 points better FCR than the negative control and the challenged group, respectively
  • Lower levels of AST and ALT compared to the challenged group, showing a better liver health

The values for body weight, FCR, and AST, even better than the negative control, may be owed to the content of different gut and liver health-supporting phytomolecules.

FigureFigure 6: Better performance data due to the addition of Solis Max 2.0

FigureFigure 7: Healthier liver shown by lower values of AST and ALT

Effective toxin risk management: staying power is required

Mycotoxin mitigation requires many different approaches. Mycotoxin mitigation starts with sewing the appropriate plants and continues up to the post-ingestion moment. From various studies and field experience, we find that besides the right decisions about grain crops, storage management, and hygiene, the use of effective products which mitigate the adverse effects of mycotoxins is the most practical and effective way to maintain animals healthy and well-performing. According to Eskola and co-workers (2020), the worldwide contamination of crops with mycotoxins can be up to 80% due to the impact of climate change and the availability of sensitive technologies for analysis and detection. Using a proper mycotoxin mitigation program as a precautionary measure is, therefore, always recommended in animal production.

Toxin Risk ManagementFigure

EW Nutrition’s Toxin Risk Management Program supports farmers by offering a tool (MasterRisk) that helps identify and evaluate the risk and gives recommendations concerning using toxin solutions.

Price hikes = more cereal byproducts in animal feed. What about mycotoxin risk?

animal feed

By Marisabel Caballero, Global Technical Manager Poultry, EW Nutrition

Most grains used in feed are susceptible to mycotoxin contamination, causing severe economic losses all along feed value chains. As skyrocketing raw material prices force producers to include a higher proportion of economical cereal byproducts in the feed, the risks of mycotoxin contamination likely increase. In this article, we review why mycotoxins cause the damage they do – and how effective toxin-mitigating solutions prevent this damage.

Mycotoxin contamination of cereal byproducts requires solutions

Cereal byproducts may become more important feed ingredients as grain prices increase. But also from a sustainability point of view and considering population growth, using cereal byproducts in animal feed makes  a lot of sense. Dried distiller’s grains with solubles (DDGS) are a good example of how byproducts from food processing industries can become high-quality animal feed.

Figure 1: Byproducts are a crucial protein source (data from FEFAC Feed & Food 2021 report)

Still, research on what happens to mycotoxins during food processing shows that mycotoxins are concentrated into fractions that are commonly used as animal feed (cf. Pinotti et al., 2016 + link to article IH+MC ). To safeguard animal health and performance when feeding lower-quality cereals, it is essential to monitor mycotoxin risks through regular testing and to use toxin-mitigating solutions.

Problematic effects of mycotoxins on the intestinal epithelium

Most mycotoxins are absorbed in the proximal part of the gastrointestinal tract. This absorption can be high, as in the case of aflatoxins (ca. 90%), but also very limited, as in the case of fumonisins (< 1%); moreover, it depends on the species. Importantly, a significant portion of unabsorbed toxins remains within the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

Importantly, studies based on realistic mycotoxin challenges (e.g., Burel et al., 2013) show that the mycotoxin levels necessary to trigger damaging processes are lower than the levels reported as safe by EFSA, the Food Safety Agency of the European Union. The ultimate consequences range from diminished nutrient absorption to inflammatory responses and pathogenic disorders in the animal (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Mycotoxins’ impact on the GIT and consequences for monogastric animals

  1.  Alteration of the intestinal barrier‘s morphology and functionality

    Several studies indicate that mycotoxins such as aflatoxin B1, DON, fumonisin B1, ochratoxin A, and T2, can increase the permeability of the intestinal epithelium of poultry and swine (e.g. Pinton & Oswald, 2014). This is mostly a consequence of the inhibition of protein synthesis.

    As a result, there is an increase in the passage of antigens into the bloodstream (e.g., bacteria, viruses, and toxins). This increases the animal’s susceptibility to infectious enteric diseases. Moreover, the damage that mycotoxins cause to the intestinal barrier entails that they are also being absorbed at a higher rate.

  2. Impaired immune function in the intestine

    The intestine is a very active immune site, where several immuno-regulatory mechanisms simultaneously defend the body from harmful agents. Immune cells are affected by mycotoxins through the initiation of apoptosis, the inhibition or stimulation of cytokines, and the induction of oxidative stress.

    For poultry production, one of the most severe enteric problems of bacterial origin is necrotic enteritis, which is caused by Clostridium perfringens toxins. Any agent capable of disrupting the gastrointestinal epithelium – e.g. mycotoxins such as DON, T2, and ochratoxin – promotes the development of necrotic enteritis.

  3. Alteration of the intestinal microflora

    Recent studies on the effect of various mycotoxins on the intestinal microbiota show that DON and other trichothecenes favor the colonization of coliform bacteria in pigs. DON and ochratoxin A also induce a greater invasion of Salmonella and their translocation to the bloodstream and vital organs in birds and pigs – even at non-cytotoxic concentrations.

    It is known that fumonisin B1 may induce changes in the balance of sphingolipids at the cellular level, including for gastrointestinal cells. This facilitates the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria, increases in their populations, and prolongs infections, as has been shown for the case of E. coli. The colonization of the intestine of food-producing animals by pathogenic strains of E. coli and Salmonella also poses a risk for human health.

  4. Interaction with bacterial toxins

    When mycotoxins induce changes in the intestinal microbiota, this can lead to an increase in the endotoxin concentration in the intestinal lumen. Endotoxins promote the release of several cytokines that induce an enhanced immune response, causing inflammation, thus reducing feed consumption and animal performance, damage to vital organs, sepsis, and death of the animals in some cases.

    The synergy between mycotoxins and endotoxins can result in an overstimulation of the immune system. The interaction between endotoxins and estrogenic agents such as zearalenone, for example, generates chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders because immune cells have estrogen receptors, which are stimulated by the mycotoxin.

Increased mycotoxin risks through byproducts? Invest in mitigation solutions

To prevent the detrimental consequences of mycotoxins on animal health and performance, proactive solutions are needed that support the intestinal epithelium’s digestive and immune functionality and help maintain a balanced microbiome in the GIT. As the current market conditions will likely engender a long-term shift towards the inclusion of more cereal byproducts in animal diets, this becomes even more important.

Trial data shows that EW Nutrition’s toxin-mitigating solution SOLIS MAX provides effective protection against feedborne mycotoxins. The synergistic combination of ingredients in SOLIS MAX mycotoxins from damaging the animals’ gastrointestinal tract and entering the blood stream:

In-vitro study shows SOLIS MAX’ strong mitigation effects against wide range of mycotoxins

Animal feed is often contaminated with two or more mycotoxins, making it important for an anti-mycotoxin agent to be effective against a wide range of different mycotoxins. A dose response evaluation of SOLIS MAX was conducted a at an independent laboratory in Spain, for inclusion levels of 0.10%, 0.15%, and 0.20% (equivalent to 1 kg, 1.5 kb, and 2 kg per ton of feed). A phosphate buffer solution at pH 7 was prepared to simulate intestinal conditions in which a portion of the mycotoxins may be released from the binder (desorption).

Each mycotoxin was tested separately by adding a challenge to buffer solutions, incubating for one hour at 41°C, to establish the base line (see table). At the same time a solution with the toxin challenge and SOLIS MAX was prepared, incubated, and analyzed for the residual mycotoxin. All analyses were carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with standard detectors.

Figure 3: SOLIS MAX adsorption capacity against different mycotoxins (%)

The results demonstrate that SOLIS MAX is a very effective solution against the most common mycotoxins found in raw materials and animal feed, showing clear dose-response effects.

Mycotoxin risk management for better animal feed

A healthy gastrointestinal tract is crucial to animals’ overall health: it ensures that nutrients are optimally absorbed, it provides effective protection against pathogens through its immune function, and it is key to maintaining a well-balanced microflora. Even at levels considered safe by the European Union, mycotoxins can compromise different intestinal functions, resulting in lower productivity and susceptibility to disease.

The globalized feed trade, which spreads mycotoxins beyond their geographical origin, climate change and raw material market pressures only escalates the problem. On top of rigorous testing, producers should mitigate unavoidable mycotoxin exposures through the use of solutions such as SOLIS MAX – for stronger animal health, welfare, and productivity.


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